Moderator: Alexander Karapidis Rapporteurs: Susanne Liane Schmidt; Bernd Dworschak Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO), Stuttgart, Germany Working Group I: Changing occupations and skill requirements in the tourism sector Trends and Skill Needs in the Tourism Sector International Workshop April 2004 Halle (Saale), Germany
page 2 ARK/721 Changing occupations and skill requirements in tourism Agenda for the Working Group I Alexander Karapidis, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering, Germany Introduction “Changing occupations and skill requirements in tourism” Marion Joppe, Director, School of Hospitality & Tourism Management, University of Guelph, Canada Changing occupations and occupational identities in hospitality and tourism – the case of Canada Olga Strietska, Cedefop Alena Zukersteinova, National Observatory of Employment and Training, NTF, Czech Republic Factors shaping occupational identities in the tourism sector: research from Spain, Czech Republic and Greece Riina Glinskihh, Hotelzon International Ltd /Tartu University, Estonia The Role of ICT in Tourism and Related Changes in Skills – Tourism Value Net Revenue Management
page 3 ARK/721 Changing occupations and skill requirements in tourism Changing occupations and skill requirements in German tourism Alexander Karapidis
page 4 ARK/721 Changing occupations and skill requirements in tourism Knowing today which skills will be needed tomorrow Anticipated trends in Germany (social, tourism sector, tourism companies) Implications for occupations and skill requirements
page 5 ARK/721 Changing occupations and skill requirements in tourism Some social trends in Germany with an impact on tourism industry Information society information overflow and difficulty of information selection Fitness/ Wellness Awareness of health an active care of health Globalisation barriers between cultures are lower than in the past Cocooning Retreat to domestic spheres Consumerism From everything more New role allocation gender issues e.g. same income.. Aging society Increased life expectancy
page 6 ARK/721 Changing occupations and skill requirements in tourism Choice of impact on supply and demand in tourism industry demandsupply Fascination level increases Developing of different lifestyles Claims of clients increase (quality, service, price) Hybrid consument Everlasting youth (anti-aging) Request for authenticity Increase of cross-selling activities Emotionalisation Market concentration changing occupations and qualification issues Combination of leisure and shopping Segmentation of clients
page 7 ARK/721 Changing occupations and skill requirements in tourism Trends in the German tourism sector Source: Freie Universität Berlin – Willy Scharnow Institute for Tourism 2000 Most experts say that changing structures in travel business….. growth of cross-selling activities of travel-related products and services development of new distribution channels improvement of costumer-relationship management activities especially customer retention ….cause skill requirements and the need of changing occupations Existing vocational profiles are out-dated High request for academics in tourism The lateral hired manager proportion still increases in tourism
page 8 ARK/721 Changing occupations and skill requirements in tourism Missing skills & qualifications form obstacles for service performance (Compare Zeithaml/ Bitner) The company does not know what their customer expects Desiderative communication Deficient customer management Deficient market research The services do not have the right service quality and standards Bad service design and -engineering Missing customer oriented standardisations and QM Inadequately configuration of the environment the companies` service standards do not fit to the service performance by their employees Shortfalls in human resource management Bad coordination of supply and demand Shortfalls in customer behaviour The services do not correspond with the effective achievement No consistence marketing communication Performance gaps for tourism companies (and destinations)
page 9 ARK/721 Changing occupations and skill requirements in tourism Trends in European qualification and skill requirements Main qualification and skill requirement issues Sales assistant skill training intercultural communication & management Client-orientation New media Social competence (soft skills) Foreign language Marketing Quality management Source: Occupational trends in European tourism University of Gießen 2003 (Germany, France, Italy, Lithuania, Austria, Hungary, Greece) Special qualification and skill requirement fields business tourism culture tourism ecological tourism
page 10 ARK/721 Changing occupations and skill requirements in tourism „Today - already do, what others only think tomorrow, because only the change is steady“ Heraklit BC
page 11 ARK/721 Changing occupations and skill requirements in tourism Contact Fraunhofer IAO Alexander Karapidis Competence Center Human Ressource Management Nobelstraße Stuttgart, Germany Telephon: , 2051 Telefax:
page 12 ARK/721 Changing occupations and skill requirements in tourism Changing occupations and occupational identities in hospitality and tourism – the case of Canada Marion Joppe, Director, School of Hospitality & Tourism Management, University of Guelph, Canada
page 13 ARK/721 Changing occupations and skill requirements in tourism Factors shaping occupational identities in the tourism sector: research from Spain, Czech Republic and Greece Olga Strietska, Cedefop Alena Zukersteinova, National Observatory of Employment and Training, NTF, Czech Republic
page 14 ARK/721 Changing occupations and skill requirements in tourism The Role of ICT in Tourism and Related Changes in Skills – Tourism Value Net Revenue Management Riina Glinskihh, Hotelzon International Ltd /Tartu University, Estonia