The Products
a Scientific Research Company with over 75 full-time scientists
Shaklee makes products from the PUREST NATURAL INGREDIENTS. Shaklee takes stringent measures to keep out pesticides, contaminants, & other unnatural things that simply don’t belong there.
Shaklee produces PREMIER products for SIX of the Fastest growing Consumer Markets in the World: What are they?
HEALTHY BEAUTY … Enfusellé: Revolutionary Anti-Aging Skin Care Experience the Shaklee Difference Younger Looking Skin – GUARANTEED! SEVEN Exclusive Patents Dematologist Tested & Hypoallergenic SAFE: $1 Million in testing No Parabens, No SLS, No SLES No Propylene Glycol, No Mineral Oil No 1,4-dioxane, No Formaldehyde No Dyes Clinically Proven: after only 28 days! 665% increase in skin firmness 421% reduction in appearance of wrinkles 268% increase in skin smoothness See clinical test results at
Before … and After 3 months
Birth Certificate is the same date for these identical twins Whose cells are biologically older?
Promising research shows these powerful antioxidants make a significant difference in … – Prostate health – Cardio protection – Alzheimer’s disease – Anti-inflammatory – Liver health – Anti-tumour activity – Glaucoma – Cellular anti-aging Polyphenols: RESVERATROL Have you heard there is a substance in red wine that is good-for-you?
Cellular Anti-Aging Tonic = A 30-day supply of SHAKLEE VIVIX delivers the equivalent amount of resveratrol found in 3,000 GLASSES OF RED WINE
One teaspoon of SHAKLEE VIVIX is equivalent to 100 glasses of red wine X 100 Raw, unpasteurized tonic … contains polyphenols that are 10x more powerful than the anti-AGING effects from Resveratrol alone! *
One of the FIRST … Non-toxic, fully biodegradable cleaner in 1960 FIRST … Non-toxic, fully biodegradable, phosphate-free laundry detergent in 1972 FIRST … Non-toxic, phosphate-free automatic dishwashing detergent in 1991 Shaklee has been promoting Environmental Stewardship for over 50 Years
18 Clinically Proven: … removes 56 harmful ingredients
Outperforms Leading Brands!
The FIRST Company in the World to obtain Climate Neutral Certification Shaklee totally offsets carbon emissions = net-zero impact on the environment Shaklee The world headquarters for Shaklee located in Pleasanton, California boasts numerous cutting edge energy-saving features and was constructed using sustainable materials.
CINCH … the Inch Loss Program Burns FAT … but maintains 100% lean muscle mass An AMAZING healthy eating program
Cinch, the Inch Loss Plan is CHANGING LIVES! It is DIFFERENT from other weight management programs.
Perfect Nutritional Supplement Foundation
Amazing Pre- and Probiotic Program (Guaranteed delivery to the intestinal tract)
You would have to eat over 200 servings of Yogurt to get the Acidophilous found in one serving of Optiflora
Contains 2000 mg of plant sterols and stanols … 80+ clinical tests prove that it works (equivalent to 59 oranges, or 47+ cucumbers, or 6.5 cups of soy beans) Cholesterol Reduction Complex Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally 41% of Canadian adults have High Colesterol 3.5 Million Canadians take a prescription for this condition!
Every 6 to 7 minutes a Canadian dies of Heart Disease (80,000 per year) Every 33 seconds an American dies of heart disease (nearly 1 million each year) There is a HUGE NEED for this product!
Shaklee products are used by over 100 Medal Winners Peak Performers choose Shaklee Products!
NASA has used Shaklee’s Premier Products for their shuttle astronauts for more than 15 years!
2005 Study Findings Landmark Study: The average 65 year old fills 19+ prescriptions annually 65 year old Shaklee consumers taking supplements for 20+ years … fill.6 prescriptions annually Absolute PROOF that Supplementation with Quality Products makes a difference!
SAVE MONEY! Shipping is Direct to you from the Shaklee Company Warehouse You can get paid commissions if you share with others how they too can save money! NO MORE RETAIL PRICES! You won’t find a Shaklee product on a store shelf You find it through a conversation with someone You set up your own WHOLESALE ACCOUNT direct with the company warehouse … to SAVE 15% off Retail Price No Retail Sales
Wholesale Online Premier Natural Health Store Set up your Account
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SOCIAL MARKETING is Exploding! Statistics show that 78% of people are looking for an extra stream of income through home-based opportunities.
An Amazing Compensation Plan
offers premier products in SIX of the fastest growing consumer markets in the world Green Cleaners
Shaklee products are UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED! … because of the clinical documentation behind EVERY single statement made by Shaklee