Steps to Successful Recruitment Applications Child Plus & Recruitment Process 1
BEFORE YOU START IN ChildPlus Step 1Verify all documentation is available, and make copies »Birth Certificate (make sure parent name matches with person completing application unless guardian documentation is provided) »Income (make sure it is correct year/all 12 months provided) »Shot Record »Insurance/Medicaid »Medical Documents (Diagnosed Disability) »Legal Documents- If you have a child whose status is Foster or if the family has an open CPS case, you must complete the Foster Care & Children’s & Protective Services Form NOW. Step 2Complete Intake Form 2
Intake Form 3 Title of document (birth facts sheet, birth certificate etc.) Child’s Age as of Sept. 1 st Physical Address, no PO Boxes
Intake Form 4 All Parents sign ONLY check yes here, if they had a check mark above
Intake Form 5 Title of document
BEFORE YOU START IN ChildPlus Step 3Complete Declaration Page and follow the instructions 6
BEFORE YOU START IN ChildPlus Step 3Complete Declaration Page and follow the instructions 7
Completing an Application in Child Plus Do not begin this process unless the Intake Form & Declaration have been completed – If you start an application and discover you cannot complete contact FCP team immediately 8 First type of application example is a NEW application
Step 4: Add New Family 9
Step 5: Add Child Complete the Following Applicant-applicant First Name Last Name It will look like this Step 6: Hit Save & Close Found at bottom of screen 10
11 Step 7: Complete Basic Information on Child -Gender -Race -Ethnicity -English Proficiency -Other Language (if applicable) -Primary Health coverage -Other Health Coverage (if applicable) -Medicaid Eligibility Status -Medicaid Number (if applicable) -Doctor/Medical Home (contact member of ERSEA if physician/clinic not listed) -Dentist/Dental Home (contact member of ERSEA if dentist not listed)
12 HEALTH COVEAGE of ChildPlus Under Medicaid Eligibility Status, use the drop down box and click the appropriate status – On Medicaid, Not Eligible, Potentially Eligible. You will use Not Eligible ONLY IF: they have CHIP or if the family income is more than 210% above poverty. Even if they have private insurance if their income is below 210%, it is important for our families to know that they could qualify for Medicaid or CHIP. Under Medicaid Number, enter the Medicaid Number if on Medicaid. Leave it blank if Not Eligible or Potentially Eligible. If the child drops Medicaid, do not delete the Medicaid number. Under Other Health Coverage, use the drop down box and click the appropriate status (DO NOT LEAVE IT BLANK) – None of the Above, SCHIPS, Medicaid, Other, Private Insurance. Use (SCHIP) State Child Health Insurance when the child is on CHIP Use Medicaid when the child is on Medicaid whether primary or secondary insurance Use None of the Above when the child has no other insurance Use Other when the child is on TriCare – a military insurance Use Private Health Insurance when a child has any private insurance whether primary or secondary insurance Examples - Cigna, Aetna, FirstCare, BlueCrossBlueShield, United Health Care Under Insurance Number, enter the insurance identification number. (NOT THE GROUP NUMBER) Leave it blank if the child is on Medicaid or has no secondary insurance. Click on the clock and add notes on the specific insurance (blue cross, first care), reasons the child does not have insurance or any progress notes on the Medicaid/insurance under the Other Coverage Notes.
13 What if they have private insurance? Identify the Insurance Number Put in notes-what type insurance it is: Blue Cross, Aetna, Cigna, Tri Care Insurance Number
14 Complete the Following Applicant-Non-applicant First Name Last Name Birthday Gender Race Ethnicity English Proficiency Other Language (if applicable) Highest Grade Completed Employment Status Child’s Relationship Custody Lives With Family Provides Financial Support Step 8: Add Primary Adult
15 Add Primary Adult-will look like this Step 10: Add other children Complete information Make sure Non-applicant is selected Step 11: Add other adults if applicable (**If child is in foster care-only add the primary adult DO NOT add other children or adults in the home) Step 9: Hit Save & Close Found at bottom of screen
16 Step 12: Complete Family Information. It should look like this! If you answer no to mailing address, it gives you option to fill out mailing address
Step 13: Complete Family Income 1.TANF, SSI, WIC (If you answer yes to TANF or Supplemental Security Income you should have taken no income and have documentation that they are receiving services. 17
Step 14: Complete Family Income (only complete income on people you took document from) 1.Verification Date (recruitment date) 2.Verified By (person who verified income) 3.Amount, per (should always say year) annual amount, description, verification 4.Note (enter place of work here) 5.Income Notes (enter any information about income, what was brought, clarification of anything…later you will copy and paste in recruitment contact note)
19 Check Stub Child Care Services 2050 Child Support College Grants/Scholarships Employer Letter Foster Care Documentation Homeless no income taken Income Tax Form 1040 No Income Statement Social Security Benefits/Form 1099 Supplemental Security Income TANF Unemployment Compensation Benefits W2 Workforce Investment Act Workman's Comp Types of Income under Verification Box
20 Homeless Income Verification Pay Stubs Verification DO THIS FIRST When inputting 0 income, put in $0.01 press save, and then change to $0.00 and finish verification.
21 No Income Statement Supplemental Security Income
22 Foster Care Social Security Benefits
Step 15: Complete Family Emergency Contacts The address must be a physical address At least 2, if you can’t get 2 call FCP Team Member 23
24 Step 16: Complete Enrollment Information Step 16: Complete Enrollment Program Term Agency Site Funding-Head Start Eligibility Date ROLLOVERS-Eligibility Income, Number in Family, Income Income Status Participation Year CACFP-date, income, year, status Eligibility Criteria-make sure to explain this in your eligibility notes Enter Eligibility Note-Later you will copy and paste it into the Family Service-Recruitment contact note.
25 Step 20: Input shot record on Immunization Tab Step 21: Save & Close *If you did not complete all blanks CP will not let you move forward
26 After you enter shots, press save & close. It will take you to the Family application screen Step 17: Family Information must be selected Verify information Number in family Number in household contact note.
27 Step 18: Family Information must be selected Verify information Income (notice Family Member) Put the primary adult if it’s a tax return with both parents, if multiple people, select who the income belongs to. DO NOT DO.
28 Step 19: Print Application After you have verified all information that was inputted Names, birthdays, income, enrollment information Step 20: Print Application ONLY CHOOSE Print Eligibility Verification Child that is being recruited
30 Step 21: Complete Eligibility Verification You have to check the box on #3
31 Step 21: Complete Eligibility Verification Sign Name, #6 and #7 should be same person Then complete recruitment contact note and print under Family Services Tab (see page 45)
32 If it’s not a new child or family…you won’t be able to use express application…you will get the following screen
If anytime during application when you press save you get the following screen: 33
34 Verify whether person is the same child you are either enrolling or an adult you are listing as guardian…if they are the same, Select YES, if not Select No If when you select YES, and you can see the family information and family members (adults, children) are different. Contact FPC Team Member EXAMPLES: children who were in foster care, now with parents, children who were with parents now in foster care, adults who had other foster care children, adults who were married/dating now separated. If you selected yes, and the child and family match continue here If you selected yes, and the family matches but you have to add a child or another adult go to page 39
Step 7: Select Yes, Same person Step 2: Verify the child/adult that is associated with this app. You can update: addresses, contact, and income. 35
36 Step 3: Update all information on members Step 4: To add new income on a sibling or child who was never enrolled during the Select Family Information Scroll to Income Select “add another Income Verification **NEW**
37 Step 5: To add new income on a sibling or child who was never enrolled during the Make sure the box is checked Select OK This will blank out income and then you can add the new year information. It saves the previous information on the other child. (refer to step 14)
38 Step 6: Select Child Go to the Enrollment tab Step 7: Add a participation Record Make sure there is not one for the year Add a blank, and select the year NEVER make a copy Press okay
39 This is how it would look when you add another Program Record.
40 Mary Ramos Then Go to Health Tab to complete health information: this information is the same as in Step 7
41 Adding another child or adult
To add the participants select Add a child. Add Child’s last and first name & birthday. DO NOT USE SOCIAL SECURITY 42
Fill in this screen: Child's preferred name. Gender (drop down) Race (drop down) Ethnicity (drop down) Nationality (drop down) Language-Proficiency, Check primary. Once you have added the new child and any other family members Return to Step 2 on page 34 43
If the child has a suspected or diagnosed disability continue to Page 44 If there is no points given for disability continue to Page 45 44
STEP 22: Disability Tab 1.Click the disability tab if a child has a suspected or diagnosed disability. 2.Click the box that states an area of concern has been identified. 3.Enter date identified (date of application). 4.Enter status as More information need if the child has a suspected disability. If the child has a diagnosed disability and has the paperwork attached, enter the status as diagnosed. 5.Use the clock and enter the notes about the concerns
STEP 23: 1. With the child selected Go to Family Services tab 2. Add an event 3. On Description – type in Recruitment contact note with the child's name. 4. Under Event Description, hit the time clock on right, and then type family contact note. Make sure to include all information about family, income and disabilities
Print Application: Go to Step 19 on page 28 Contact Note: Go to Family Services Tab, and print out recruitment contact note 47
Final Step Staple Content as follows: – Intake form – Declaration Form – Enrollment Information – Eligibility Verification (with signature and checks) – Recruitment Contact Note – Foster Care & Children’s Protective Service Form (if applicable) – Birth Certificate – Shot Records – Medical Insurance – Diagnosed Disability Paperwork (if applicable) – Income-Write Child’s Name & Site on copy (in top right corner w/paper turned where short side on top) – Place in Purple Child Plus Folder 48
Once monitors verify application, and it is cleared the child will be placed on the waitlist If the application is not cleared, it will be an incomplete application and will stay that way until it is fixed. 49