Persuasive Writing Researching A Topic
TASK: Choose a topic and write a persuasive essay to convince the reader of your opinion on this topic. Create a convincing argument for your opinion Use facts and statistics to support your argument Show that you know the counter-arguments and can make a strong case against these Use persuasive writing techniques for powerful writing
Choose a Topic 1 We should (not) tell children about Santa. Smoking should (not) be banned in public places in Scotland. Junk food should (not) be banned in Scottish state secondary schools. Reality TV talent shows are (not) stifling the British music industry.
Choose a Topic 2 The iPod will be the saviour/ slayer of the British music industry. Euthanasia should (not) be legalised in the United Kingdom. Football players should (not) receive exorbitant wages. Capital punishment should (not) be reinstated in the United Kingdom.
Step 1 FOR Create a list of arguments to support your opinion 1. Killing people is a crime 2. Mistakes can be made in court AGAINST Find counter-arguments that people might use against you 1. People who kill deserve to die 2. Violent crime is on the increase – a stern measure must be put in place.
Step 2: Researching Facts Research your topic on the internet. Here are some suggested sites _Page
Researching Facts Alternatively, search the internet using one of the following search engines
Reliable Facts How can you be certain your facts and figures are genuine? Use government or other trusted sites Verify your information on other sites or through a search engine
Create a table of the facts you have found for both sides of your argument 70 countries have abolished it in the last 30 years America and Japan still use it for serious crimes The last person killed in Britain e.g.
Persuasive Writing Criteria Content Content is relevant and appropriate for purpose and audience, reveals some depth and complexity of thought and some sustained development Structure Structure takes account of purpose, audience and genre; content is sequenced and organised in ways which are mainly effective. Expression Competent use of techniques relevant to the genre and appropriate choice of words and sentence structures establish a style and tone which communicate a point of view/stance consistent with purpose and audience. Technical Accuracy Spelling, grammar and punctuation are consistently accurate