POINTS TO PONDER…… Everything COUNTS Everything COUNTS Concentrate on academic preparation Concentrate on academic preparation Continue to develop basic skills and co-curricular interests Continue to develop basic skills and co-curricular interests
ACTIVITIES SPORTS CLUBS VOLUNTEER TIME COMMUNITY SERVICE CHURCH YOUTH GROUPS Students should be keeping an updated resume of all activities, especially awards received or volunteer/community service hours logged. Students should be keeping an updated resume of all activities, especially awards received or volunteer/community service hours logged.
LONG -RANGE PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE Begin to make college visits, if you haven’t already, for students that want to continue their education. Begin to make college visits, if you haven’t already, for students that want to continue their education. Take advantage of Fall Break and long weekends. Take advantage of Fall Break and long weekends.
EXAMS: ENTRANCE AND OTHERS Encourage your Students to take standardized tests. Encourage your Students to take standardized tests. PLAN (required 10 th ) PSAT/NMSQT (should take 10 th and 11 th ) ACT (required 11 th ) SAT (should take 11 th and 12 th )
PLAN TEST DAY TEST DAY Tuesday, September 25 th 8:00 – 11:00 am 8:00 – 11:00 am Pre-Administration Pre-Administration Monday, September 24 th Monday, September 24 th 12:30 – 2:30 pm 12:30 – 2:30 pm ALL Sophomores will take the PLAN. There is no charge for the test. PLAN test scores are a predictor of ACT scores. ACT scores are placed on the official high school transcript.
PLAN includes: Tests in English, math, reading, and science – just like the ACT Tests in English, math, reading, and science – just like the ACT A career interest inventory that can help find the best career choices for the student A career interest inventory that can help find the best career choices for the student A guide that explains what the student’s scores mean and how you can use them A guide that explains what the student’s scores mean and how you can use them To learn more about the PLAN test visit
PSAT/NMSQT College-bound 10 th & 11 th graders College-bound 10 th & 11 th graders Wednesday, October 17 th Wednesday, October 17 th Measures critical reading, math problem-solving, and writing skills. Measures critical reading, math problem-solving, and writing skills. The best preparation for the SAT Test. The best preparation for the SAT Test. ***The only way for students to enter the National Merit Scholarship Competition
ACT Required Assessment in Spring of Junior Year Required Assessment in Spring of Junior Year Make take as many times as you like Make take as many times as you like 4 areas: English, Science Reasoning, Mathematics, and Reading 4 areas: English, Science Reasoning, Mathematics, and Reading Fee - $30.00 Fee - $30.00 Optional Writing Test ($14.50) Optional Writing Test ($14.50) for more information for more information Practice Tests at Practice Tests at
ACT Test Days Test Days October 27, 2007 December 8, 2007 February 9, 2008 June 14, 2008 Registration Packets are available in the Guidance Office or online at Registration Packets are available in the Guidance Office or online at
SAT REASONING TEST Should take sometime during Junior year. Should take sometime during Junior year. 3 areas: Critical Reading, Mathematics, and Writing 3 areas: Critical Reading, Mathematics, and Writing Fee - $43 Fee - $43 for more information for more information Test Dates: Test Dates: November 3, 2007 December 1, 2007 January 26, 2008 March 1, 2008 May 3, 2008 June 7, 2008
CATS Given during 2-week time period in April (April 23 – May 4) Given during 2-week time period in April (April 23 – May 4) Attendance during that time is crucial Attendance during that time is crucial Reading, Practical Living/Vocational Studies Reading, Practical Living/Vocational Studies
ATTENTION TO DETAIL ATTENTION TO DETAIL Students are classified sophomores, etc. in August only and are not reclassified until the beginning of the next school year. In order to become a junior, a student MUST HAVE 10 credits.
ATTENTION TO DETAIL Credits are awarded at the end of each semester; ½ credit for each class in December and again in May. New Combining Grades Policy Old policy – If 1 st and 2 nd semester averaged to = 70, combine grades New policy If failed 1 st semester, but passed 2 nd semester, then combine (ex. 1 st = 60, 2 nd = 80, combine to equal 70 – student receives full credit) If passed the 1 st semester, but failed 2 nd semester, do not combine (ex. 1 st = 80, 2 nd = 60, do not combine – Student only receives 1 st semester credit)
ATTENTION TO DETAIL Your students MUST HAVE all 15 required classes AND 22 credits total in order to graduate. There is a difference between Graduation Requirements and Pre-College Curriculum It is imperative that you be involved and informed regarding your student’s grades and credits.
NEW GRADING SCALE A Excellent A Excellent A98-97Excellent A98-97Excellent A-96-95Excellent A-96-95Excellent B+94-93Above Average B+94-93Above Average B92-90Above Average B92-90Above Average B-89-88Above Average B-89-88Above Average C+87-86Average C+87-86Average C85-79Average C85-79Average C-78-77Average C-78-77Average D+76-75Below Average D+76-75Below Average D74-72Below Average D74-72Below Average D-71-70Below Average D-71-70Below Average F 69-0Failing F 69-0Failing
SHORT-TERM PLANNING FOR THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE You and your student are the people most affected by your student’s success. Be knowledgeable about how to bring about that success. Be responsible for important information and details.
RESOURCES CLASSROOM TEACHERS GUIDANCE COUNSELORS Melissa Butler and Lisa Mudd INTERIM PRINCIPAL Cora Wood Chuck Broughton – beginning Oct.1 st Dean of Students Doug Barnes FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER Karen Skees (765–7649)
KEYS TO SUCCESS Focus on academics Get involved in clubs and/or organizations Start long-term planning Be prepared by taking standardized tests Know the details Use your resources
CONTACT INFORMATION Melissa Butler Lisa Mudd EHS Guidance Website: index.htm Phone Number: 769–3381 Office Hours: 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM