All paper products MUST be “stamped”
Riots break out in major cities Stamp Act Congress: Meeting of Colonial leaders – “petition” (formal written request) the king Colonists “boycott”: refuse to buy British goods “No Taxation without Representation”
Sons of Liberty: Patriots who “protest” (express objection to) British actions British “repeal” or take away Stamp Act England still claims they can tax whenever they want Declatory Act.
Colonies should pay war debt & do what we say! All Englishmen pay this tax. “No Taxation without Representation!” We Will not buy your Products until you Repeal this. Without a Say we wont pay!
Tax on imports such as glass, paint, lead, tea, paper, etc. Colonists try another Boycott – not very successful
We slipped this one by you. Colonies should pay war debt & do what we say! Nice try with an “indirect tax” “No Taxation without Representation!” We will not pay without a say. We will try another boycott!