The Maths Pipeline Programme for the FE and Skills Sector
2 GCSE Revision 40% of students leave school without a GCSE C grade That’s a lot of students Seen it, heard it, done it all before Recalcitrant, disaffected students Time to do something different
3 What do we do now? Past papers Top Topics C/D borderline hit Saturday School Holiday Inn & Pizza Hut What else?
4 Revision, Revision, Revision NCETM PD Revision Module who, what, why, when and how We cannot assume... Need the skills 1/NCETM_Secondary_Magazine_PD_Acti vity_6_Revision.pdfhttps:// 1/NCETM_Secondary_Magazine_PD_Acti vity_6_Revision.pdf
6 Eight Effective Principles Guru that is Malcolm Swan –Explore misconceptions –Rich collaborative tasks –Effective questioning –Build on prior knowledge –Emphasise methods not answers –Create connections –NCETM PD course available – odules/post16/activity4/learning.htm odules/post16/activity4/learning.htm
Postcards Mathematical Association Postcards sets
9 Help Sheet
10 Misconceptions
11 Passports to success Miss B’s Resources
12 Calculator Skills
13 Just Maths
14 Videos 5 a day numeracy foundation & higher Symballoo for a C grade