F&I WAR Britain wins Britain gains land Need cash France & Spain no longer a problem
HERE COME THE TAXES Salutary Neglect ends/Sugar Act begins (indirect tax) Colonists do not believe Parliament has a right to tax only their colonial governments Stamp Act (direct tax) brought about “No taxation without representation” (James Otis) No voice/representation in Parliament
HERE COME THE TAXES Colonists have their own Stamp Act Congress Colonists boycott/protest and form Sons and Daughters of Liberty Townshend Duties (taxed paper, paint, tea, lead, glass) colonists refused to pay - boycott ended all but tea tax Tea Act – monopoly on tea sales East India Company
HERE COMES BIG PAPA Dec Boston Tea Party 1774 Intolerable Acts to punish Boston (1. closed harbor, 2. cancelled Mass. Charter, 3. moved trials, 4. Quartering Act) Writs of Assistance (unlimited search warrants)
SC’S REACTION 1774 Representatives met in Charles Town to elect reps John & Edward Rutledge, Thomas Lynch, Henry Middleton, Christopher Gadsden for Continental Congress in PhiladelphiaJohn Edward RutledgeThomas LynchHenry Middleton Christopher Gadsden Created General Committee of 99 to rule colony instead of Royal Governor
FIRST CONTINENTAL CONGRESS Sept.1774 met in Philadelphia, PA Henry Middleton (SC) elected President of Congress Gadsden urges for independence (few supporters) Decide on non-importation and non-exportation agreement SC could still export rice Agreed to meet next May if Intolerable Acts not repealed (too late) SC readied their militia