Preparing For Exams Revision Resources Making The Most Of What’s Out There
Preparing For Exams Using the Internet - Lots of revision resources that are provided over the internet - Revision Resources for Useful links for you to use could be BBC Site Providing Parental Support BBC GCSE Bitesize GCSE POD Just a sample of what can be found and what may be of help. See the booklet for more
Preparing For Exams Purchasing Revision Books Books can be a great help for revision on the move Do use exercise books – students revise well from their own notes Do look for Student Study Guides and Revision books
Preparing For Exams Using the School VLE There are lots of resources already posted for your child on the school Virtual Learning Environment. Revising Science – use the Science Home Page and pick up GCSE ResourcesGCSE Resources Revising English - use the Communications Home page and pick up KS4 ResourcesKS4 Resources Revising Maths – use the Maths Home page and pick up GCSE Revision DocsGCSE Revision Docs Most subjects have already posted their own revision and provided booklets for the students. They can be obtained from the VLE.
Preparing For Exams What sort of Learner? How does your child learn best? Useful Sites to help you find out.