Year 7 Parents Mathematics Information Evening Or: How can we work collaboratively to help each other?
Tonight’s ‘agenda’ ▪ What are we teaching your child? ▪ How can we help you with teaching your child? ▪ Which websites work ▪ Which to avoid ▪ Future events
What are we teaching your child: Classes ▪ The Year group is split into 3 bands, based on their form groups ▪ We have then ‘set’ the band by ability based on their SATs score and any other information we have (e.g. Teacher Assessment) ▪ Each Class is taught roughly the same work, at the same time, although there will be extension work for the top sets. StageBand ABand BBand C Class 1444 Class 2333 Class 3233
What are we teaching your child: SoW ▪ Each child will be taught the following. ▪ An * is that this topic is for only some of the classes
How can we help you to help your child? We are running extra sessions for you to come and ask on Saturdays Any student that is struggling after half termly assessments will be assigned a Numeracy Leader to help them over a 4 week period Life after Levels…..
This is the start of the Numeracy booklet that was produced to ensure we have consistency in school. It does have a plethora of advice and helpful hints as to how to teach certain aspects of the curriculum. Should you want it sent to you, please can you me putting NAC booklet in the subject
Let’s go surfing There are websites with worked examples, past papers and exam questions, tutorials and lessons, discussion forums and support, and much more Some of the best ones are: – revision videos on all the topics – interactive notes and questions to check understanding – videos and worksheets – videos working through exam questions – discussion forum hosted by boffins to help with your problems – loads of resources and examples sorted into levels notes, solutions, interactive questions, revision checklist (very handy) – heaps of questions arranged by topic and by level revision, interactive questions and games