Human Computer Interaction Revision note
What to revise? Read all the slides, pay attention to the learning outcomes listed (objectives) in all chapters, ask yourself if you are able to demonstrate the knowledge identified in the learning outcomes Revise all the questions discussed in tutorials, if the questions ask for examples, work on providing relevant examples and always try to match with the main objectives of the concept of usability Help me to help you – look after the format & handwriting and structure and label your answers accordingly
How much is enough? Look at the marks allocated. Try to work out the maths for the points required in your answer. Example : In Business Performance Management, it has been identified that there are four sources for the gap between strategy and execution. Identify and explain each gap. [4 marks] Answer: Four sources of gap are : Vision (viability, suitability to the organization) People (are they ready?) Management (do they agree?) Resources (are the infrastructure ready?) (Award 1 mark each for the correct identification and explanation)
Compare and contrast Always use table Identify the basis for each comparison Try to make a contrasting point for each items to be compared. ElephantsCats Weight1000kg4kg HabitatJungleHome Length5 meter0.8 meter ??
Segmenting your answer If ask to identify a few list of items, segment your answer, don’t combine discussion on all of the items in one paragraph. E.g. Identifying project activities Planning: Setting goals and objectives etc…… Data Gathering : Establishing data/information/requirement …… Design : Based on data gathered …. Develop: Develop the system ……. rather than The first process is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………… The second process is The third process is
Answer to the question Identify what are the questions that need to be answered. E.g. Describe usability testing paradigm in detail and explain why it has become important in achieving usability in interface design. Include in your answer a discussion on how does usability testing differ from quick and dirty paradigm.
Keywords you must be comfortable with Least suitable Most suitable Flaws Justify Illustrate
Keywords you must be comfortable explaining Human Factors The three human factors to be considered when designing for usable interface Metaphors Stakeholders
Keywords you must be comfortable explaining Understanding Interactions Interaction model - The seven stages model Interaction styles – – command line interface – menus – natural language – question/answer and query dialogue – form-fills and spreadsheets
Keywords you must be comfortable explaining Understanding Users in Interface Design Its importance to usability Data gathering techniques (advantages/disadvantages) Task Analysis Its importance to usability Hierarchical task analysis – textual/diagram representation HTA matrices Produce an HTA and its matrix to discuss suitable interface design
Keywords you must be comfortable explaining Design Principles Identify a range of usability design principles and of how they can be applied in design Evaluate the existing products or systems based on the design principles Usability Engineering Define the term “Usability Engineering” Describe usability goals Describe the various steps involved in Usability Engineering Lifecycle Apply Usability Engineering Lifecycle in designing any system or application
Keywords you must be comfortable explaining Design Prototyping Define the term “prototyping” Explain the importance of prototyping in designing for usability Identify the types of prototypes Evaluation Describe the evaluation paradigms & techniques used in interaction design. Discuss the conceptual, practical and ethical issues that must be considered when planning evaluations. Use the DECIDE framework in your own work
Good Luck