Students Lead the Way Growing Up FIT!
Program Description We conducted two after school programs during the school year. The main objective was to increase physical activity of the participating children. We did this by incorporating at least one hour of physical activity, including sports games and other organized active games, into the program. Two secondary objectives were to teach basic aspects of nutrition and to provide homework support.
Table 1. Daily program schedule, number of days the program was held and average time spent being physical active. Program for Bethel School 2:45-3:00 snack Program for Hope Middle School 3:30-4:20 snack Daily Schedule3:00-3:30 or 4:30 homework (depended on how much homework children had or behavioral level) 4:20-4:30 Exercises ( jumping jacks, arm rolls, run in place, squats, lunges, etc) Number of days program was held 6847 Number of days unable to have program 1620 Average time spent doing physical activities 100 minutes70 minutes
Table 2. List of activities that the children from Bethel program participated in. Obstacle course relay,Red light/ green lightFood group relayULTIMATE Panther Capture the FlagDodge ballSports world, Roller skatingMusical chairs OUT competitive game with basketball-) Bone relayBasketball, Jump RopeRed rover Stepping program practiceKickballMovie: life Size BarbieMat ball Knock-outnutrient dodge ballnutrient triviaTrivia tango Jump ropes, hula hoops, push-ups, cart wheels Food quiz bowlingIndoor soccerVolleyball Jump rope races4 corners gameWater relay, push upsBeach volleyball Panther prideExercise videosHula hoop, jump rope relaysHit and run Basketball running racesNutrition relayEgg racesKick ball