Never Have Men Ride In Cars
GEOGRAPHY The APPALACHIAN MOUNTAINS was the physical boundary that determined the western boundary of the Middle and Southern colonies
NEW ENGLAND 1.Massachusetts Bay Colony: settled by Puritans- purify the Anglican Church 2.Plymouth Colony: settled by Pilgrims: wanted to SEPARATE from the C.O.E (Anglican Church) 3.N.E. mostly settled by families 4.Puritans and Pilgrims were fleeing religious persecution and seeking religious freedom 5.Wanted a “City Upon a Hill”- wanted a utopian city that would set an example for all to follow 6.Others seeking the “glory of the new world.”:” 7.Communities run through town meetings: voting rights: white Puritan men 8.Half-way covenant: original Puritans were dying off and new members were granted a partial church membership 9.Royal colonies: controlled by King and run by governor
MASSACHUSETTS CHARTER Created in England to GIVE permission to settle in Massachusetts Pilgrims who settled in Massachusetts suffered a very harsh winter and the Native Americans helped them and in 1621 the first thanksgiving was celebrated. SO Why did it lose the charter? **Economically advantageous for monarchy to take it over through mercantilism –Monarchy was having to support the colonists b/c of wars with Native Americans
1620 MAYFLOWER COMPACT The first efforts at self- government were defined in the Mayflower Compact Established that all men who signed would follow the “Just and Equal” laws of the majority. Asserted that government derived its power from the people in the colony Implied local rule rather than rule by England Representative Government took form in Town Meetings
Massachusetts Bay Colony In 1684, because of unrest in the colony; Massachusetts lost its charter and became a Royal Colony 1691 The British Government established Massachusetts as a Royal Colony and set up a legislative Body –The Crown also abolished the rule that every member had to be a member of the church
RHODE ISLAND 1.Roger Williams/ Ann Hutchinson & religious dissenters from Massachusetts 2. Tolerance 3. Respect for Natives(he wanted to pay them for the land) 4. Separation of Religion & State
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Created by Thomas Hooker, who left Massachusetts because he did not agree with the Puritan Church This was the first form of Constitution in the New World –It stated that the powers of the government came from the “Free consent of the people” and set limits on what the government could do
Northern colonies develop a predominately urban society based on commerce and trade.
Commerce Grows in the North A Diversified Economy Cold winters, rocky soil restrict New Englanders to small farms Small farms with multiple crops Diverse commercial economy develops in New England
1692 SALEM WITCH TRIALS 150+ colonists charged with witchcraft in MA CAUSES: religious fanaticism Increase in population Poor relations with Natives Sexism RESULTS 29 convicted hanged “frayed the soul of a Massachusetts community”
Land Disputes Continue… Native Americans saw land deals as temporary arrangements-to them no one owned the land Europeans saw them as one time agreements where the Native Am sold their land
KING PHILIP’S WAR Metacom, aka Philip, chief of the Wampanoag 2.Battle between Natives and English over land 3.Heavy losses by Natives resulted in the development of more English settlements in New England
MERCANTILISM Economic Theory: the earth had a limited supply of wealth in the form of natural resources, especially gold and silver, therefore the best way to become a stronger nation was to acquire the most wealth. MERCANTILISM inspired the British government to view its American colonies as sources of wealth
REVIEW 1) What are the Southern Colonies? 2) Which colony did the Puritans settle? 3) Who primarily settled the New Eng colonies? Why ? 4) Who was allowed to vote at the New England Town meetings? 5)What was granted with a Half-way covenant? BONUS: What are the 4 New England colonies?
1. The 1st New England colonies was founded by _________? 2. The 1st NE colony was different than Jamestown because it was primarily settled by _______ and Jamestown was settled by _______ 3. How the 4 New England colonies. 5.How were communities operated? Who could not participate?
–6.When new members were granted a partial church membership it is called a ________ –7. What document asserted that government derived its power from the people in the colony? –8. What kind of economy developed in the north? Why? 9. Describe a royal colony