Powerpoint Jeopardy VocabPeopleEconomic Activities ColoniesExtra ?s
What is the middle leg of the Triangle Trade? Vocab – 10 points
The system of paying for someone else’s way to the colonies and having them work off a debt. Vocab – 20 points
Define mercantilism. Vocab – 30 points
The revival of religion in the 1730’s & 1740’s. Vocab – 40 points
Define each of the following: *Royal Colonies *Proprietary Colonies *Corporate Colonies Vocab – 50 points
This man founded Rhode Island. People – 10 points
What Native American tribe lived in Jamestown before the colonists? People – 20 points
Who was the key advocate of the Enlightenment? People – 30 points
This group of people were the only voices heard during town meetings. People – 40 points
This man started a rebellion over small vs. large farmers rights. People – 50 points
What was the crop that lead to the revival of Jamestown? Economic Activities – 10 points
Name two reasons why slavery expanded. Economic Activities – 20 points
In the triangular trade rum is sent to which location? Economic Activities – 30 points
Name 2 of the 3 cash crops from the South. Economic Activities – 40 points
Why did European powers establish colonies in America? (2 reasons) Economic Activities – 50 points
This was the 1st permanent colony established in North America. Colonies – 10 points
Name the 2 principles that Rhode Island was founded upon. Colonies – 20 points
This is was the type of charter that the Massachusetts Bay colony originally had. Colonies – 30 points
This colony was a colony for Quakers. Colonies – 40 points
New York was originally settled by which country? Colonies – 50 points
The development of legislatures signaled what? Extra ?s – 10 points
The Enlightenment movement emphasized what value? Extra ?s – 20 points
What resources were produced in the New England colonies? Category 5 – 30 points
What was the significance of the Salem Witch Trials. Category 5 – 40 points
What did the half-way covenant do? Category 5 – 50 points