How to Write an AP Lit Prompt!
Formulating the Essay Intro 1. Thematic intro 2. Identify the author and text 3. Offer a brief, interpretation of the text as it pertains to the question 3. Thesis should include all parts of the question. (That is the “precise” thesis I’m always looking for.) “Through an intellectual exploration using rhetorical questions and answers, Robert Frost suggests that people ought to consider breaking the boundaries between themselves and other humans, for the benefit of human connection outweighs the comfort of remaining apart from each other.”
Formulating the Essay Thesis “Through an intellectual exploration using rhetorical questions and answers… Robert Frost suggests that people ought to consider breaking the boundaries between themselves and other humans, for the benefit of human connection outweighs the comfort of remaining apart from each other.” This is the “how” part of the thesis and this is the “what” part.
Formulating the Essay Body 1. Briefly explore the first part of the question using evidence to support your claim. (Make a claim, state your evidence, then connect it to the point of the paragraph.) 2. Explore in greater depth the second part of the question using evidence. Remember, this is not a separate argument, so what you say here must build on what you said above.
Formulating the Essay Conclusion 1. Only read if you haven’t sold the reader already 2. You can emphasize crucial ideas, connect the poem to other literary works or experiences, or reiterate its effectiveness.
Misinterpretations Best you can get is a 4, and that’s if support is very good How do you check your interpretation?
Hints College Board suggests students divide your time as follows: 10 minutes reading, interpreting and planning 25 minutes writing 5 minutes proofing If running out of time, get down topic sentence and bullet support Insight and analysis Eventually you should be trying to “build” your argument – each point logically leads into the next Sophisticated style
AP PROMPT RUBRIC 6-7 Responds to the assignment clearly and directly but with less development than an 8-9 paper. It demonstrates a good understanding of the text and supports its thesis with appropriate textual evidence. While its approach is analytical, the analysis is less precise or insightful than in the 8-9 essay, and its use of the text is competent but not subtle. The writing in this paper is forceful and clear with few if any grammatical and mechanical errors. 5 Addresses the assigned topic intelligently but does not answer it fully and specifically. It is characterized by a good but general grasp of the text using the text to frame an apt response to the prompt. It may employ textual evidence sparingly or offer evidence without attaching it to the thesis. May have insufficient analysis of strategies (strategy identified and evidence provided, but explanation unclear.)The essay is clear and organized but may be somewhat mechanical. The paper may also be marred by grammatical and mechanical errors. If thesis is imprecise, a 5 is likely the best score possible. 3-4 Fails in some important way to fulfill the demands of the prompt. It may not address part of the assignment, fail to provide minimal textual support for its thesis, or base its analysis on a misreading of some part of the text. May have inaccurate analysis of strategies. This essay may present one strong insight among others of less value. The writing may be uneven in development with lapses in organization (points may not build), clarity, grammar, and mechanics. The difference between the higher and the lower score is the quality of the writing.
Open Question On this question you are allowed to select your own text. Tomorrow’s question on The Crucible!
Crucible #1 “Authors often select settings to communicate. Choose a novel or a play in which the setting is integral. Write an essay explaining what the setting represents and how it contributes to the meaning of the work. “
Crucible #1 HOW DO YOU APPROACH IT? 2.First, select which element of the setting you wish to use, identify it, then explore it. a. Salem, 1692 b. Puritan lifestyle c. Witch trials
Crucible #1 2.Second, explain what it represents a. Hollywood 1950s b. Comparison between witch trials and McCarthyism
Crucible #1 3. Third, explain its significance to the larger meaning of the work Thematic connection: fear, manipulation for personal gain, integrity Stop group-think; consider evidence first, blah…
Crucible # “From a novel or play of literary merit, select an important character who is a villain. Then, in a well-organized essay, analyze the nature of the character's villainy and show how it enhances meaning in the work. Do not merely summarize the plot.”
Crucible #2 HOW DO YOU APPROACH IT? 1. Select your villain and briefly explain why he is the villain (incorporating the definition of villain in your thesis.) 2. Explore the nature of his villainy. (Prove that he IS a villain.) 3. Explain the way in which this villainy enhances meaning in the work.