Institute of Informatics: PELLUCID1 Workflow Process Creation by Pellucid Agents Michal Laclavik, Zoltan Balogh Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Institute of Informatics: PELLUCID2 Overview Project & Motivation Workflow and Agents Architecture Implementation
Institute of Informatics: PELLUCID3 About the Institute of Informatics II SAS, Bratislava Slovak Republic is one of more than 50 scientific and research institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia. The scope of activities include scientific and research work in: computer science, information technology, agent research control theory, robotics and artificial intelligence
Institute of Informatics: PELLUCID4 The PELLUCID Project Basic Information ● Consortium: 8 organizations from 5 countries ● 3 academic ● 2 commercial companies ● 3 pilot application sites ● Duration: 32 months ● Work Packages: 10 ● Started: March 1, 2002 ● Overall Project Budget: 3,138,476 EURO ● EC Contribution: 1,700,000 EURO ● Total Person Months: 399
Institute of Informatics: PELLUCID5 Statement Pellucid IST project is dealing with well defined Workflow processes. This article don’t describe ideas used in Pellucid but ideas for possible extensions of pellucid.
Institute of Informatics: PELLUCID6 Agents & Workflow Agents can improve workflow. Agents are especially useful in distributed workflow environments, where the advantages of the agent’s mobility can be exploited.
Institute of Informatics: PELLUCID7 Agent Based Workflow Agent A Activity A Agent B Activity B Agent N Activity N One activity of a workflow is carried out by one agent
Institute of Informatics: PELLUCID8 Agent Enhanced Workflow Activity A Activity BActivity N Existing Workflow System Agent A Agent B Agent N Functions above the existing systems
Institute of Informatics: PELLUCID9 Our Ideas Set of Activities = Agents Time to accomplish, permissions Set of activities required to finish before Set of Processes = Graph of Activities Valued Graph - activity has certain permissions Graph algorithms – best accomplishing of tasks Set of Tasks = certain goals to be accomplished by processes
Institute of Informatics: PELLUCID10 Our Solution - Architecture Monitoring Agent Creating process graph Personal Assistant Agent Searching for best process to accomplishing task X Starting process If no process for task X => allowing user to start activities => if task is done => monitoring agent created new process graph
Institute of Informatics: PELLUCID11 Architecture
Institute of Informatics: PELLUCID12 Our Solution - Architecture Monitoring Agent Creating process graph Personal Assistant Agent Searching for best process to accomplishing task X Starting process If no process for task X => allowing user to start activities => if task is done => monitoring agent created new process graph
Institute of Informatics: PELLUCID13 Thank you Institute of Informatics Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava Slovak Republic