Learning Automata based Approach to Model Dialogue Strategy in Spoken Dialogue System: A Performance Evaluation G.Kumaravelan Pondicherry University, Karaikal Centre, Karaikal. R. SivaKumar AVVM Sri Pushpam College, Thanjavur.
Dialogue System A system to provide interface between the user and a computer-based application Interact on turn-by-turn basis Dialogue manager Control the flow of the dialogue information gathering from user communicating with external application communicating information back to the user Three types of dialogue system (On initiativeness) finite state- (or graph-) based frame-based agent-based
Spoken Dialogue System Architecture Speech Recognition Dialogue Manager Back end Language Generation Text to Speech Synthesis Audio Spoken Language Understanding Words Semantic representation Concepts Words Audio
Properties of RL: The Agent-Environment Interaction
Cont… Immediate reward Long term reward Aim is to find the policy that leads to the highest total reward over T time steps (finite horizon) [ Markov property]
The formal decision problem - MDP Given S is a finite state set (with start state s 0 ) A is a finite action set P(s’ | s, a) is a table of transition probabilities R(s, a, s’) is a reward function Policy (s, t) = a Is there a policy that yields total reward over finite horizon T
Learning Automata Characteristics Learning Automata (LA) are adaptive decision making devices that can operate in environments where they have no information about the effect of their actions at start of operation — unknown environments a given action not necessarily produces the same response each time it is performed — non-deterministic environments A powerful property of LA is that they progressively improve their performance by the means of a learning process combine rapid and accurate convergence with low computational complexity.
Learning Automaton and its interaction with the environment Set of Actions A = { a1, …an } Response β = { 0, 1 }
Methodology Follows a frame based approach which maintains task and attribute histories respect to the domain in focus. The state space is determined by the number of slots in focus. The action space is narrowed to “greeting”, “request all”, “request n slot”, “verify all”, “verify n slot” and close dialogue.
Experiments and Results Our experiments were based on travel planning domain. Speech recognition & speech synthesis modules are implement by.NET SDK framework. DATE scheme was used as a dialogue act recognition agent. The reward in the range of (+10 to -5) is assigned for the best and worst action selection respectively.
Evaluation Methodology PRADISE framework Task success: Calculated with help of AVM. System performance:
Conclusions Challenges LA are interesting building blocks to solve different type of RL problems Faster learning Knowledge transfer Less Computational complexity Different LA updates Influence different state observations (POMDP setting)
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