实用英语教程( 1 ) BASIC READING Going to School 1.Go to school cf. go to a (the) school go to prison, go to hospital, go to church 2. Apply for: apply for admission.


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Presentation transcript:

实用英语教程( 1 ) BASIC READING Going to School 1.Go to school cf. go to a (the) school go to prison, go to hospital, go to church 2. Apply for: apply for admission to Zhejiang University apply … to …: e.g. After a summer vacation, he applied himself to study again. 3. Let sb. do sth. e.g. let’s go.

3. Turn in: hand in e.g. The teacher asked his students to turn in their homework. 4. Pay for: pay for the meal, the food, the house pay a bill, the rent 5. Arrange: vt. 1 ) 整理: arrange desks in order 2 )安排, 准备: arrange a news conference vi. : arrange for: e.g. The chairman has arranged me to give a speech in the conference. 6. Admit: 1) let sb. enter e.g. They admitted him to the club. 2) 承认: He was forced to admit his mistake.

7. expect: expect, hope, wish cf. I expect him to come. I hope him to come. I wish him to come. I wish he were here now. 8. business: 1) 商业,经营: The business is going well. Do business with foreign companies. In Business 2 )事务,事情: It’s none of your business. He is now in Shanghai on business. 3 )公司, 商行: They plan to set up a business in this city. 9. Find out: 查明,弄明白: No one can find out his whereabouts.

10. Care about: 在意, 关心 e.g. He never cares about others’ interests. 11. On the other hand: e.g. You have got some good results in the work, but on the other hand, you should not be too proud of yourself. 12. Help sb. (to) do sth. e.g. He helped us finish our work. This tool can help complete the job sooner. cf. make sb. do sth. e.g. The big boy made the little ones follow him The little boys were made to follow the big one.

13. Sign up for: (签名)做某事 e.g. Many people have signed up for the advanced English courses. 14. Depend (up)on: 取决于, 依靠: e.g. Whether you can pass the exam depends on your efforts. They entirely depend on our help. It (all) depends. 15. offer: give willingly He offered his friend a cigarette. He offered to give me a hand in my job. 16. certain: 某一, 某些 It may happen in a certain day.

17. Figure out: 想出,弄清楚,计算出 e.g. The police could not figure out how the prisoner had escaped from the prison. figure out the cost of the production.

Practical Reading Finding a Place to Live 1.Make a decision: 做出决定 e.g. Make a decision after second thought. decide: vt. decide to do something, decide not to do e.g. They decided to postpone the meeting. vi. : decide on: decide on a visit to the museum. decide for the policy (against the plan) 2. even nicer: much, rather, far nicer wrong: very nicer

3. Force: vt. e.g. The heavy rain forced him to stay at home. They could not be forced to give in. 4. Sometimes the people trying to rent to you will say… trying to rent (the house) to you … 5. show: show somebody something e.g. Show me your passport. 6. note: n. 1) 笔记,记录: Write notes on your notebook. 2) 注释: Please look at the note 2 to the article. vt. 1 )记下: Note down the main points of the lecture. 2 )注意 ( 到 ) : Please note how the wheel runs.

7. free of: e.g. This is free of charge, that means you need not pay any money. The exam is over now, and he is free of any nervousness. 8. resident: The residents in this apartment is required to pay for cleaning fees. residential: adj. The residential zone is far off industrial area. reside: vi. Last year he resided in this building. 9. If you have not found a place you want to live in, … If you have not found a place that you want to live in live in a house, a place, a room.

10. Keep doing: e.g. The two women kept talking for two hours. 11. In a newspaper, write on paper, 12. Sign a lease cf. sign up for sign a contract, an agreement, a treaty sign up for an activity 13. Agree to do something agree to somebody’s suggestion 14. deposit: 1) 定金,押金 Can we retrieve our deposit when we leave the hotel? 2 )存款 I want to withdraw my deposit from the bank.

15. Come up: get closer e.g. When the end of the match came up, the spectators started to leave the stadium. He saw a stranger coming up to him. 16. Notice: n. 1) 通告 a meeting notice e.g. The meeting is postponed until further notice. The employee was given a month’s notice. 2) 注意(到) : It has come into public notice. 17. Call for: call up for something 1) 打电话做某事 2 ) 需要 This urgent problem calls for immediate solution. 3 )呼叫: call for help

18. review: 1) 检查,反复看 The chairman was reviewing the record of the meeting. 2 )复习,回顾 We have to review our lessons that we learned last week. 19. Be sure: Be sure that you do not let little children play fire. Be sure to finish the task in time. 20. It is hard to do … It is difficult to complete the work in three days. It is easy to beat that team. 21 walk through: 走过场,草率做完 Don’t walk through your test in a hurry.

作业 翻译下列句子: 1 、如果你要向浙江大学申请奖学金,请在本月底前上交申 请书。 2 、校长已安排他的秘书去火车站接外国代表团。 3 、很难说,我们该采取什么行动。一切视情况而定。 4 、我怎么也猜想不出,魔术师是如何从那个箱子里出来的。 5 、这些规定可以修改,不再另行通告。