DESTINATION MANAGEMENT Trying to make ends meet Henrik Halkier Professor of Regional and Tourism Studies Aalborg University Denmark
Henrik Halkier Aalborg University Denmark DESTINATION MANAGEMENT Trying to make ends meet
Henrik Halkier Aalborg University Denmark DESTINATION MANAGEMENT Trying to make ends meet
1. Destination management: Problems & solutions ? 2. Actors and processes in destination development 3. Destination management: A conceptual framework 4. Strategic options in destination development 5. Case: Whole-year tourism in Mariagerfjord DESTINATION MANAGEMENT Trying to make ends meet
Destination development policy From Easton to … policy analysis Easton’s model of the political system. Source: David Easton, A Systems Analysis of Political Life, New York 1965, p 32.
Source: Inspired by inter alia Ham & Hill, Jenkins, Sabatier, Parsons, Winter – Elaborated on the basis of Henrik Halkier: Institutions, Discourse and Regional Development, Brussels: PIE Peter Lang, 2006, chapter 3. Political environment Public actors Private actors Discursive terrain Implementing organisation Political sponsor Organisation Policy design Economic & socio-cultural environment Public actors Private actors Cultural patterns Discursive terrain Policy target Firms Organisations Public authorities Tourists PROBLEM DEFINITION POLICY OUTCOME Destination development policy From Easton to … policy analysis
1Policy formulation * problem identification * agenda setting 2Policy design* deciding objectives * considering alternatives 3Implementation* resources * instruments * effects 4Evaluation* effects * policy change? Destination development as a PROCESS
Analysing policy discourse in practice ASSUMPTIONAL ORDERS Topographical inside/outside up/down Temporal past/future cause/consequence Strategic subject/object assistant/opponent Source: Inspired by inter alia Koselleck and Åkerstrøm Andersen – Elaborated on the basis of Henrik Halkier: Institutions, Discourse and Regional Development, Brussels: PIE Peter Lang, 2006, chapter 3. Social geography a problem where? a problem for whom? Policy design in what sense a problem? ways of addressing problem? Policy process who is active/passive? who helps/gets in the way?
Service strategies Target group: existing tourists means: on-site information risk: limited result: status quo Promotion strategies Target group: similar tourists means: external promotion risk: competitive product? result: expansion Innovation strategies Target group: other tourists means: (firm) projects risk: mis-investment result: new experiences Destination development STRATEGIC OPTIONS
All-year tourism in Mariagerfjord SURELY, THIS IS CRAZY ?
Situation in brief costal leisure tourism important in Denmark North Jutland leading in terms of overnight stays seasonality very pronounced – light/dark months prolonging season a long-standing policy goal … maybe a new chance through national initative coordinated efforts with many initiatives/actors Mariagerfjord maybe able to move towards all- year tourism All-year tourism in Mariagerfjord SURELY, THIS IS CRAZY ?
THE LOCAL CHALLENGE 1 Coordination, coordination, coordi… Firms & attractions Tourists Citizen Local authority & tourist association Service Promotion Product development Expansion Partnership Involvement Region, state, EU... Finance Partnership
Central challenges development of new experiences making existing experiences visible Different options – or mutually supportive? small sensations, slow hollidays? the Las Vegas of the north? THE LOCAL CHALLENGE 2 Attractions in the dark days ?