1 Bob Sproule, University of Waterloo Cheryl Steele, ANGEL Learning MERLOT August 10, 2006 Engagement and Efficiencies Using a Learning Management System in Large Courses
2 University of Waterloo - ANGEL Valued Relationship ANGEL client since March 2002 ANGEL Unlimited User Site License deployed across the entire university, serving all students, faculty, administrators, staff University of Waterloo plays critical role in ANGEL product development
3 The ANGEL Difference ANGEL Delivers Practical product innovations that address academic challenges Consistent targeted emphasis on the Educator and improved outcomes Dedication to Evolving Technology Exceptional Customer Relationships Award Winning Customer Service Winner of the 2006 Codie Award for Best Postsecondary Course Management Solution Awarded by the Software & Information Industry Association
4 We believe…… Teaching and learning technology is only now realizing its potential to truly advance education. It’s a new era. This new expectation is driven by educators with real insight and experience The emerging criteria are more effective, but are much harder to achieve. ANGEL is committed to deliver on the new criteria and to serve the customers focused on this new potential.
5 New Criteria…Educational Experience to the Foreground Assist me in the work I need to accomplish For all… –Present information so I can digest it at-a-glance –Synthesize what’s happening (patterns and trends) so I can act –Organize my tasks to help me be efficient –Do routine tasks for me –Identify my opportunities to achieve outcomes For educators… –Help me scale learning opportunities economically –But keep it personal (these are real people)
6 Overview of Course First year, first term course Required course for multitude of programs Taught in 4 sections with students Introductory capstone course
7 Course Outcomes Pedagogy is driven by student- centered learning Concept map – integration of functional areas of management A series of specific learning outcomes focused on understanding and application
8 Pedagogy of the Course Teams of 4 set up early in the course (that’s right 275 teams!!!) Assistance provided by the Learning Management System (LMS) in both the setting up and access privileges Communication with the students Organizing of course content On-line Grade Book
9 Pedagogy of the Course Levels of teams to support Teaching Assistant assignment and feedback Organize and layer materials with a minimum of student “clicks” Effective use of Modules
10 New Criteria… Technology in the Background Meet higher expectations – less visibly Usability … –Common conventions –Advanced options available, but don’t clutter Openness … –Flexibility to configure and integrate for local needs –Adherence to technology standards Maintainability… –Use of openness must consider impact on upgrade path –Scale reliably - for both small and large organizations Extensibility … –Bake-in capabilities so everyone can extend –Embrace change in technology (LOR, RSS, wiki, ePortfolio…)
11 ANGEL 7 ANGEL is Simply, Powerful. Actionable Turns Data Into Results Personal Teaching, Learning and Communication Open Open System for Evolving Needs