1 35S::YUCCA6vector Potato staygreen A Total weight (g) Average weight (g) Vector35S:YUC6 Vector Height (Cm) Angle Leaf Angle Plant Height (shade avoidance)
2 Global Alliance Network
3 StaffFacilities Year 1Center Director Associate Director 2 Assistant/Associate Professors students/post-docs and technical support Lab and minimum plant growth facilities 1)Growth chambers 2)Greenhouse 3)Tissue culture Year 23-4 Assistant/Associate Professors Students/post-docs and technical support Lab and plus finish growth facilities 1)Growth chambers 2)Greenhouse 3)Growth room 4)Tissue culture (transformation) 5)Specialty facility for a)Ultra high sensitive metabolomics b)Specialized microscopy c)Ultra high sensitive photo detection systems Year 35-7 Assistant/Associate professors students/post-docs and technical support Begin commercialization process for product discoveries Facilities finished Adjustment to remain state-of-the-art Year 48-9 total faculty team students/post-docs and technical support Establish spin-off companies to begin full scale testing of discovery products Year 59 total faculty students/post-docs and technical support 1)Begin first round of seed product bulk up for commercial production in China 2)Begin regulatory process for North/South American and Europe 3)Begin non-GMO product development