Unpacking the Infrastructures and Roles for Effective MTSS Implementation Ingham ISD September, 2012
What are the critical things being implemented in the district? (programs, practices, assessments)What are the critical things being implemented in the district? (programs, practices, assessments) What are the current and/past challenges with supporting implementation?What are the current and/past challenges with supporting implementation? What would “support” for implementation from the district ideally look like?What would “support” for implementation from the district ideally look like? Activity
Goals for the Session Understand the necessary infrastructures for supporting local district implementation efforts Deepen knowledge around critical roles necessary for supporting implementation efforts –RtI/MTSS Administrator –MTSS Coordinator Confirm district team (implementation team) members Define MiBLSi supports
Building Specific vs. District Model Building Model Emphasis was on assisting buildings in developing systems for a MTSS model Main point of contact was with school buildings. ISDs agreed to provide coaching support to the participating buildings Main point of contact at the ISD’s was through coaches District Model Still develop content and materials to support building level implementation Assist ISD’s in the development of infrastructures to support implementation efforts Assist in developing local capacity for training, coaching, and data supports Intentional focus on fidelity of implementation
Where we are heading… Monthly sessions are designed to provide technical assistance around the big ideas necessary for supporting a durable MTSS model There will be time allocated throughout the day for you and your District (Implementation) Team to apply the big ideas to your district’s context
Key Topics RtI/MTSS Administrator and MTSS Coordination responsibilities District (Implementation) Team set-up and responsibilities Determining a process for supporting district-wide MTSS implementation efforts
Key Topics (con’t) Assessing and further developing internal coaching capacity Assessing and further developing training capacity Evaluation and data system supports Providing technical assistance and further developing content expertise
Upcoming Dates 10/18/12 11/15/12 1/17/13 2/21/13 3/21/13 4/18/13 5/16/13
Stages of ImplementationFocusStageDescription Exploration/Ado ption Develop Commitment at ISD and LEA level InstallationEstablish ISD leadership team, implementation team and MTSS Coordinator, set up data systems. Audit of current resources and capacity, plan and prepare for work Initial Implementation Try out the practices, work out details, learn from and provide significant support to implementers ElaborationExpand the program/practices to other locations, individuals, times- adjust from learning in initial implementation. Continuous Improvement/R egeneration Make it easier, more efficient. Embed within current practices. Work to do it right! Work to do it better! Should we do it!
False StartFocusStageDescription Exploration/Ado ption Decision regarding commitment to adopting the program/practices and supporting successful implementation. InstallationSet up infrastructure so that successful implementation can take place and be supported. Establish team and data systems, conduct audit, develop plan. ImplementationTry out the practices, work out details, learn and improve before expanding to other contexts. ElaborationExpand the program/practices to other locations, individuals, times- adjust from learning in initial implementation. Continuous Improvement/R egeneration Make it easier, more efficient. Embed within current practices. Work to do it right! Work to do it better! Should we do it! 11 Our work this year and your work next year with the district Implementation Teams will create a host environment for the data, systems and practices in a MTSS model to be successfully implemented.
Key Elements of Implementation Science Implementation Stages Implementation Drivers Improvement Cycles
Adapted from Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Successful Student Outcomes Program/Initiative (set of practices that are implemented with Fidelity) Selection Training Coaching Decision Support Data System Incentives Facilitative Administration Vision Resources Information Management/ Coordination
Infrastructures for Successful Implementation
District Cabinet District Implementation Team Vision Priority Policy Providing for implementation supports (coaching, training, evaluation) Barrier busting Create materials Collect and summarize data Identify barriers to implementation Coordination MTSS Administrator MTSS Coordination Implementation Supports Direction Training Coaching Content Expertise Materials Evaluation Implementation Supports Direction Training Coaching Content Expertise Materials Evaluation Schools 15
Defining “Cabinet” “Cabinet” is a term used to describe the individuals who have executive leadership within the district Example Roles: –Superintendent –Assistant Superintendent –Director of Curriculum and Instruction –Director of Special Education –Director of Finance –Director of Human Resources
Cabinet Oversees all aspects of the district Establishes the vision for what and how supports will be provided to school buildings Identifies priorities Establishes policies Allocates resources to support priorities Actively removes obstacles and barriers One of the priorities includes assisting buildings in implementing an integrated reading and behavior MTSS model. Policies to support achieving the priority are established along with allocation of resources and removal of barriers impeding the attainment of priorities.
Lessons Learned Do not create a “Cabinet” for the sake of supporting MTSS –The infrastructures of the Cabinet and Implementation Team can/should support anything that is being implemented (e.g. data system, initiative, practices) –Right now, we are attending to MTSS implementation efforts Do not call yourselves the “Cabinet” if you already are known as something different (Executive Team; Director’s Meeting)
Lessons Learned In smaller districts, the “cabinet” may be only two people.” Don’t add additional people for the sake of creating a “cabinet” team. –The main point is the purpose those individuals serve –Ability to allocate resources (authority over budgetary decisions) –Ability to establish and approve policies
Identify the individuals who make up the “cabinet”?Identify the individuals who make up the “cabinet”? –How many people participate? –What are their roles? –What is the group commonly referred to as? (e.g. cabinet, executive team, etc.) –Do those individuals have ultimate decision making authority (barring the board) or are there people that need to go to others higher up in the hierarchy to get approval/answers? Activity
District Cabinet District Implementation Team Vision Priority Policy Providing for implementation supports (coaching, training, evaluation) Barrier busting Create materials Collect and summarize data Identify barriers to implementation Coordination MTSS Administrator MTSS Coordination Implementation Supports Direction Training Coaching Content Expertise Materials Evaluation Implementation Supports Direction Training Coaching Content Expertise Materials Evaluation Schools 21
Implementation Team: Purpose Responsible for planning, monitoring, problem solving, and continuous improvement of MTSS implementation efforts. –MTSS can be broadly defined to include more than just an integrated reading and behavior model –Any initiative, program, or practice requires implementation supports –There wouldn’t be multiple Implementation Teams created to support different practices, program, or initiatives
Defining “Implementation Team” Comprised of a reasonable sized group (5-7) people Works to translate the goals around MTSS implementation into reality Develops a plan to support the district in building capacity to implement a sustainable MTSS model –Some buildings will be more ready than others. –Assessing readiness and developing readiness to engage in the work will also be an integral component of the plan
Defining “Implementation Team” Analyzes and summarizes implementation information and data Adjusts the implementation plan to accommodate for varying needs Engages in continuous learning around the latest research in MTSS data, systems and practices Effectively communicates with individual(s) providing MTSS Coordination RtI/MTSS Administrator, and key staff to support the advancement of the Implementation Support Plan
Implementation Team: Intended Outcomes Operationalize the district’s goals around the desired outcomes or intended future state of MTSS To ensure sufficient capacity exists for the district to implement with fidelity the data, systems and practices necessary in an integrated MTSS model
Distinctions Between a Stakeholder Group and Implementation Team
Key Distinctions Stakeholder Group Individuals who represent various departments/focus areas Provides input and feedback related to how priorities will impact their department/focus area Serves as a vehicle to disseminate information and collect/generate ideas for support Implementation Team Individuals who will have knowledge about the data, systems, practices necessary for an integrated academic and behavior MTSS model Actually “rolls up sleeves” to implement the Implementation Support Plan Provides input and feedback related to the implementation plan to the Liaison and the MTSS Coordinator
Implementation Team Expectations Consistently utilizes effective meeting structures Knowledgeable (or there is a plan to get people knowledgeable) in MTSS data, systems and practices Analyzes and summarizes implementation information and data Develops a plan for increasing and/or developing training, coaching, technical assistance across the district to support MTSS implementation efforts
Implementation Team Expectations Manages the implementation plan that was developed and makes adjustments as data and needs warrant Develops and modifies tools/materials that will aide in the implementation of effective, evidence based practices Actively works to assist in identifying and supporting the removal of barriers that are impeding implementation efforts Commits to continuously deepen personal knowledge related to MTSS
Implementation Team Expectations Provides routine feedback to the individual(s) providing MTSS Coordination and the RtI/MTSS Administrator regarding team structures and work plans Proactively communicates progress related to assigned action items Ability to consistently attend meetings and fully participate in all aspects of the meeting
The RtI/MTSS Administrator and individual(s) supporting MTSS coordination are the glue that will keep all the pieces together. We will explore those roles next!
Read the “Expectations of the Implementation Team.”Read the “Expectations of the Implementation Team.” Using the “District Group/Committee Audit” form, identify the existing teams within your ISD and answer the question below the table.Using the “District Group/Committee Audit” form, identify the existing teams within your ISD and answer the question below the table. Given what you read and what you identified on your audit form, begin to consider potential District (Implementation) Team members.Given what you read and what you identified on your audit form, begin to consider potential District (Implementation) Team members. Activity
Important Role of the Liaison
District Cabinet District Implementation Team Vision Priority Policy Providing for implementation supports (coaching, training, evaluation) Barrier busting Create materials Collect and summarize data Identify barriers to implementation Coordination MTSS Administrator MTSS Coordination Implementation Supports Direction Training Coaching Content Expertise Materials Evaluation Implementation Supports Direction Training Coaching Content Expertise Materials Evaluation Schools 34
Defining “RtI/MTSS Administrator” Person who participates on the “cabinet” Responsible for overseeing the work of the Implementation Team by ensuring the MTSS goals identified by the cabinet as priorities are implemented Active member of the district (Implementation) Team but does not necessarily have assigned action items involving product development and other tasks associated with supporting the implementation support plan
Defining “RtI/MTSS Administrator” Responsible for selecting the individual(s) who will provide MTSS coordination Collaborates with the individual(s) providing MTSS Coordination to: –Identify possible Implementation Team members –Identify relevant agenda items for the Implementation Team meetings –Discuss the benefits and risks for decisions that need to be made for the MTSS implementation support plan –Discuss implications of decisions made for local districts
Defining “RtI/MTSS Administrator” Effectively communicates to relevant groups within the district (e.g. cabinet, board, all staff, relevant councils/committees, or groups) and to other constituents Serves as the first level of approval for components included in the implementation support plan developed by the District (Implementation) Team
Read the portion entitled, “Expectations of the RtI/MTSS Coordinator” in the document, “Defining Essential Roles for MTSS Implementation”Read the portion entitled, “Expectations of the RtI/MTSS Coordinator” in the document, “Defining Essential Roles for MTSS Implementation” Activity
The project has developed tools and resources to assist in clearly defining the critical components for essential roles and team structures necessary for supporting MTSS implementation efforts.
Practice Profiles
Defining Practice Profiles Identifies critical components of a particular practice, program, role, team function, etc. Clearly articulates the practice(s): –Ideal implementation –Acceptable variation –Unacceptable variation –Harmful variation
Liaison Critical Components Selection of MTSS Coordinator(s) Selection of Implementation Team Membership Implementation of MTSS Goals Collaboration with MTSS Coordinator(s) Effective Communication The Liaison Practice Profile will elaborate on each of the critical components briefly defined on the “Critical Roles…” document you just read by identifying the varying degrees of how each component could be implemented (ideal implementation through harmful variations)
Defining Practice Profiles Critical Component Ideal “Gold Standard” of the component Emerging Practice (Acceptable Variation) Unacceptable Variation Harmful Variation Anything to the left of the line (emerging practice/acceptable variation or ideal) is okay!
Benefits to Using Practice Profiles Advantages Provides a clearer picture of what the practice, program, role, team function, etc. should look like along the implementation continuum Verbiage written within each category can serve as the basis for clear feedback to individuals to help further clarify roles, areas of strength and need Cautionary Note People are not used to practice profiles - Initial feelings of being overwhelmed may occur “Harmful Variation” may be misunderstood. The term implies the behaviors/actions written in that column are harmful to implementation efforts
Benefits to Using Practice Profiles (con’t) Advantages Supports for implementers can be differentiated based on where their implementation falls along the continuum Specific needs related to developing competency can be easily identified based on the specificity of the critical components Cautionary Note People may sometimes view a practice profile as evaluative and in some cases punitive. Implementers can overlook the utility of practice profiles being used to identify training and coaching supports
Reading a Practice Profile
Why so much detail? There is a balance between being clear about the critical components and the importance of keeping the document short. One of the biggest challenges for implementation is the high level of ambiguity for the roles, team structures and practices. The compromise is to provide enough information within each critical component but not too much that it would take days to read.
Read with your group the second critical feature of the RtI/MTSS Administrator Practice Profile entitled, “Selection of District (Implementation) Team Membership.”Read with your group the second critical feature of the RtI/MTSS Administrator Practice Profile entitled, “Selection of District (Implementation) Team Membership.” –Each person takes turns reading one row for that critical feature Refer back to the list you created of potential District (Implementation) Team members.Refer back to the list you created of potential District (Implementation) Team members. –After reading the practice profile for “Selection of Implementation Team Membership,” are there people you might add or take off of the potential list? Activity
Important Role of the MTSS Coordinator
District Cabinet District Implementation Team Vision Priority Policy Providing for implementation supports (coaching, training, evaluation) Barrier busting Create materials Collect and summarize data Identify barriers to implementation Coordination MTSS Administrator MTSS Coordination Implementation Supports Direction Training Coaching Content Expertise Materials Evaluation Implementation Supports Direction Training Coaching Content Expertise Materials Evaluation Schools 50
Defining “MTSS Coordination” Responsibility of one or more individuals Collaborates with the RtI/MTSS Administrator to select potential Implementation Team members Organizes, coordinates, and co-facilitates the Implementation Team meetings Collaborates with team members to develop and support local training, coaching, and evaluation capacity Knowledgeable about the data, systems and practices necessary in an integrated MTSS model
Defining “RtI/MTSS Coordination” Ability to analyze and summarize implementation data Applies the problem-solving process in order to guide the Implementation Team in making data based decisions Gathers the necessary information, tools and resources for Implementation Team agenda items to present to Implementation Team members
Defining “RtI/MTSS Coordination” Meets with the RtI/MTSS Administrator on a regular basis to plan for future meetings, discuss next steps, and to provide status updates around the completion of action plan items If MTSS coordination responsibilities are shared, one person is identified to ensure all assigned responsibilities are completed as intended and in a timely basis
MTSS Coordinator Critical Features Organize, Coordinate and Co-facilitate the Implementation Team Develop and Support Local Training, Coaching, Capacity Guide Problem Solving Through Data Based Decision-Making
MTSS Coordinator Critical Features Deepen personal knowledge of MTSS data, systems, practices and the implementation research Develop a plan for continuous learning for Implementation Team membership and appropriate staff Demonstrate effective communication
Read the portion entitled, “Expectations of individuals providing MTSS coordination ” in the document, “Defining Essential Roles for MTSS Implementation.”Read the portion entitled, “Expectations of individuals providing MTSS coordination ” in the document, “Defining Essential Roles for MTSS Implementation.” Activity
Recall the role of the RtI/MTSS Administrator is to select individual(s) to provide MTSS coordination.
Read the first critical component of the RtI/MTSS Administrator Practice Profile entitled, “Selection of individual(s) to provide MTSS coordination.”Read the first critical component of the RtI/MTSS Administrator Practice Profile entitled, “Selection of individual(s) to provide MTSS coordination.” –Each person takes turns reading one row for that critical feature Read through the first critical component of the RtI/MTSS Coordination Practice Profile.Read through the first critical component of the RtI/MTSS Coordination Practice Profile. –Based on what you read, what supports will the MTSS Coordinator(s) need from the RtI/MTSS Administrator for forward progress to occur in an ideal way? Activity
Preparing for Our Next Session
Before the Next Session Please address the following during your Local Planning Session(s) before we meet again: –Read the RtI/MTSS Administrator Practice Profile –Read the MTSS Coordination Practice Profile –Identify which individual(s) will be helping to provide RtI/MTSS Coordination (Bring them to the next session) –Communicate the talking points identified on your Communication Log
End of Day Evaluation
2-Part Evaluation Retrospective Self Assessment Traditional Evaluation... both using the responders
Rate your knowledge / skills / competence for the following items this afternoon at 3:20 p.m.
I can articulate necessary infrastructures for supporting local district implementation efforts. 4: Mastery 3: Competence 2: Developing Competence 1: Need More Training / Practice
I can articulate the role of the RtI/MTSS Administrator in supporting the implementation efforts and understand why it is a critical role. 4: Mastery 3: Competence 2: Developing Competence 1: Need More Training / Practice
I can articulate the role of the MTSS coordination in supporting the implementation efforts and understand why it is a critical role. 4: Mastery 3: Competence 2: Developing Competence 1: Need More Training / Practice
Rate your knowledge / skills / competence for the following items this morning at 9:00 a.m.
I can articulate necessary infrastructures for supporting local district implementation efforts. 4: Mastery 3: Competence 2: Developing Competence 1: Need More Training / Practice
I can articulate the role of the RtI/MTSS Administrator in supporting the implementation efforts and understand why it is a critical role. 4: Mastery 3: Competence 2: Developing Competence 1: Need More Training / Practice
I can articulate the role of RtI/MTSS coordination in supporting the implementation efforts and understand why it is a critical role. 4: Mastery 3: Competence 2: Developing Competence 1: Need More Training / Practice
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on today’s training of trainers. MiBLSi values your feedback and will use it to evaluate the success of this event and for decision-making regarding future training events.
Today’s learning was a valuable use of my time and worth spending the day outside of my District. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree Data will help MiBLSi and presenters know whether the day was valuable to participants and a good investment of the resources invested.
I am leaving with strategies and tools necessary to create an action plan for applying my learning from today’s session. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree Data will help MiBLSi and presenters gauge whether the training/session is likely to result in implementation / application of the information.
The content included clearly defined goals for the day. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree Data will help MiBLSi and presenters know when the session goals need to be made clearer in the content or provided more clearly by the presenter(s).
The content and activities are well aligned with the goals and priorities of my District. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree Data will help MiBLSi and presenters to know if there was a good match between the session content and district goals/ priorities/ needs.
The trainer(s) presented the content in such a way that promoted active engagement, opportunities for processing, and time for participants to work together. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree Data will help MiBLSi and presenter(s) know whether the presenter(s) needs to use more strategies for active engagement and whether the content needs to facilitate this better.
The pacing and amount of material presented were appropriate for the time allocated. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree Data will help MiBLSi and presenters know how to adjust pacing and amount of content provided in the future.
The materials for the day facilitated my learning. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree Data will help MiBLSi and presenters know whether the quality, number, and organization of materials and handouts was appropriate.
Thank You! Kim St. Martin