N ational A sian G reek C ouncil
NAGC: Mission Statement NAGC serves to advocate the needs of its member organizations through the enrichment of the Greek experience. The NAGC promotes and fosters positive interfraternal relations, communications, and the development of all Asian Pacific American Greek Lettered organizations through mutual respect, leadership, integrity, professionalism, academic achievement, and community involvement.
Long and Distinguished History Asian Greek-lettered organizations have grown tremendously Asian Greek-lettered organizations have grown tremendously 70+ years of history 70+ years of history 150+ fraternities and sororities 150+ fraternities and sororities 20,000+ individual members 20,000+ individual members WE need to build a strong and cohesive community... WE need to build a strong and cohesive community...
A Cohesive Community Accomplishments Accomplishments Facing Issues Facing Issues Community-wide Community-wide APIA Fraternities and Sorority APIA Fraternities and Sorority
Accomplishments of NAGC Collaborative efforts to help the community Tsunami Relief Tsunami Relief Katrina Relief Katrina Relief APIA Vote in 2004 APIA Vote in 2004 Forming bonds for a strong community Bringing sisterhoods and brotherhoods together Bringing sisterhoods and brotherhoods together Stronger APIA Greek community Stronger APIA Greek community Stronger APIA community Stronger APIA community
Issues Facing Our Community Alcohol and drug abuse on the rise Alcohol and drug abuse on the rise Conflicts among members of different fraternities Conflicts among members of different fraternities Declining GPAs Declining GPAs Lack of community activism Lack of community activism Declining philanthropic endeavors Declining philanthropic endeavors
Issues Facing Our Fraternities and Sororities Organizational maturity is in need Organizational maturity is in need Little or no oversight or support Little or no oversight or support Few have risk management policies Few have risk management policies Insufficient liability insurance Insufficient liability insurance More alumni involvement needed More alumni involvement needed Few organizations incorporated Few organizations incorporated Little planning for tomorrow’s leaders Little planning for tomorrow’s leaders
How NAGC Can Benefit Our Community Address issues facing the Asian Greek community Address issues facing the Asian Greek community Promote positive relations, communication, and development Promote positive relations, communication, and development Advocates needs of its member organizations Advocates needs of its member organizations Provides benefits and resources to individual members Provides benefits and resources to individual members A voice for the entire Asian Greek Community A voice for the entire Asian Greek Community
Why Join NAGC 1. The Council help with organizational development 2. Assistance in with university administration 3. Help organizations focus and maintain their founding principles
Organizational Development Create and maintain national board Create and maintain national board Incorporate the organization Incorporate the organization Purchase national or individual chapter insurance Purchase national or individual chapter insurance Develop sound and sustainable fiscal policies Develop sound and sustainable fiscal policies Develop sound corporate policies Develop sound corporate policies Develop pipeline of leadership Develop pipeline of leadership Develop functioning an alumni association Develop functioning an alumni association Develop risk management policy Develop risk management policy
Assistance in with University Administration Assist with university recognition of chapter Assist with university recognition of chapter Start and maintain a recognized governing council Start and maintain a recognized governing council Maintain positive relationship with university administration Maintain positive relationship with university administration
Focus and Maintain Founding Principles Leadership workshops Leadership workshops Assist organizations with continuing community service and philanthropy projects Assist organizations with continuing community service and philanthropy projects Career and social networking opportunities Career and social networking opportunities
NAGC Offers Abundance of Resources Experienced Leadership in the Asian Greek Community Experienced Leadership in the Asian Greek Community Access to the NAGC Advisory Board Access to the NAGC Advisory Board Relationship with OCA Relationship with OCA Organization of Chinese Americans Organization of Chinese Americans premier national Asian Pacific American advocacy group premier national Asian Pacific American advocacy group Relationship with APIA Vote Relationship with APIA Vote Leadership workshops Leadership workshops
Responsibilities of Membership in NAGC National president/appointee attends National president/appointee attends annual NAGC National Convention annual NAGC National Convention monthly teleconferences monthly teleconferences
NAGC Member Organizations Sororities Sororities alpha Kappa Delta Phi alpha Kappa Delta Phi Alpha Phi Gamma Alpha Phi Gamma Delta Kappa Delta Delta Kappa Delta Delta Phi Lambda Delta Phi Lambda Kappa Phi Lambda Kappa Phi Lambda Sigma Psi Zeta Sigma Psi Zeta Fraternities Pi Alpha Phi Pi Delta Psi
How to Join NAGC Your National Board pass the following resolution & approve NAGC Constitution: Your National Board pass the following resolution & approve NAGC Constitution: RESOLUTION: “Support for National Asian Greek Council” RESOLUTION: “Support for National Asian Greek Council” WHEREAS, the National Asian Greek Council unites and represents Asian-interest Greek lettered organizations; and WHEREAS, the National Asian Greek Council unites and represents Asian-interest Greek lettered organizations; and WHEREAS, the National Asian Greek Council represents a diverse membership of college students and alumni. WHEREAS, the National Asian Greek Council represents a diverse membership of college students and alumni. Be it resolved, that this body officially supports and adopts the National Asian Greek Council. Be it resolved, that this body officially supports and adopts the National Asian Greek Council. Submitted by the Chair of National Asian Greek Council for passage at your organization’s National meeting. Submitted by the Chair of National Asian Greek Council for passage at your organization’s National meeting. (A Word version of the resolution and Constitution are available) (A Word version of the resolution and Constitution are available)
Questions? Please feel free to Please feel free to OR... NAGC Chair: NAGC Chair: Alice Siu Alice Siu