Lessons learned and benefits of multi-stakeholder food security and nutrition governance Deborah Fulton Secretary, CFS.


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Presentation transcript:

Lessons learned and benefits of multi-stakeholder food security and nutrition governance Deborah Fulton Secretary, CFS

CFS Vision “ CFS will be the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for a broad range of committed stakeholder to work together in a coordinated manner and in support of country led processes towards the elimination of hunger and ensuring food security and nutrition for all human beings.”

What does the CFS do? - Coordination at the global level - Promote policy convergence -Facilitate support and advice to countries and regions -Coordination at national and regional levels -Promote accountability and share best practices at all levels -Develop a Global Strategic Framework for food security and nutrition

How: Inclusiveness Unprecedented example within the UN system of a global multi-stakeholder platform; and fosters dialogue, joint ownership and shared responsibility. Governments UN Agencies and International Financial Institutions (IFIs) CSOs/NGOs Private sector associations and philanthropic organizations Research institutions

How: Evidence A key function of CFS is to address the knowledge gap by relying on evidence to define the problems to inform policy solutions High Level Panel of Experts Steering Committee made up of internationally recognized experts Roster of experts which is used to build teams that act on a project –specific basis to analyze and report on issues related to food security and nutrition Technical expertise of the three Rome-based Agencies

How: Concrete outputs VGGTGSF Policy recommendations rai principles A for A Protracted crises H HLPE Reports

Lessons learnt Complex, multi-sectoral problems need collective effort Establish a common agenda on a mutually agreed problem Build understanding of the issue/s from all perspectives Inclusiveness lends legitimacy and authority Agreements are hard-won but lead to ownership  Less risk of unintended consequences of policy decisions because all voices are heard and contribute to, influence and ultimately own the outcome

Lessons on process Rules of engagement Who identifies the issues? Transparent links to decision making Who identifies the stakeholders? Self organisation from the outset for all participants Funding and capacity to participate

Is it making a difference?  CFS first five years post-reform have been on getting comfortable with the multi-stakeholder approach  The next five years need to be on understanding its impact on the ground  And broadening the use of multistakeholder dialogues at regional and country level to influence policy change Here’s where you come in!

Find out more Visit the CFS website: Sign up to the CFS Updates mailing list at the CFS Secretariat: