Committed to Connecting the World For the last 25 years, ITU has been coordinating the development of a global broadband multimedia international mobile telecommunication system, known as IMT. Since 2000, the world has seen the introduction of the first family of standards derived from the IMT concept – IMT-2000 (commonly referred to as 3G). 3G is now widely deployed and being rapidly enhanced. “IMT-Advanced” provides a global platform on which to build the next generations of mobile services - fast data access, unified messaging and broadband multimedia - in the form of exciting new interactive services and applications.
Committed to Connecting the World What is IMT-Advanced? IMT-Advanced systems are mobile systems that include new capabilities that go beyond those of IMT They will: provide access to a wide range of telecommunication services including advanced mobile services, supported by mobile and fixed networks, which are increasingly packet-based. support low to high mobility applications and a wide range of data rates in accordance with user and service demands in multiple user environments. provide for high quality multimedia applications within a wide range of services and platforms, providing a significant improvement in performance and quality of service.
Committed to Connecting the World Key features a high degree of commonality of functionality worldwide while retaining the flexibility to support a wide range of services and applications in a cost efficient manner; compatibility of services within IMT and with fixed networks; capability of interworking with other radio access systems; high quality mobile services; user equipment suitable for worldwide use; user-friendly applications, services and equipment; worldwide roaming capability; and, enhanced peak data rates to support advanced services and applications (research target: 100 Mbit/s for high and 1 Gbit/s for low mobility).
Committed to Connecting the World Capabilities Interconnection IMT-2000 Mobility Low High Peak useful data rate (Mbit/s) Enhanced IMT-2000 Enhancement IMT-2000 Mobility Low High Area Wireless Access Enhanced IMT Enhancemen t Digital Broadcast SystemsNomadic / Local Area Access Systems New Nomadic / Local IMT-Advanced will encompass the capabilities of previous systems New capabilities of IMT-Advanced New Mobile Access
Committed to Connecting the World Resolution ITU-R 57 The work on IMT-Advanced is guided by Resolution ITU-R 57, which was approved by the Radiocommunication Assembly in Resolution ITU-R 57 on the “Principles for the process of development of IMT ‑ Advanced” outlines the essential criteria and principles which will be used in the process of developing the Recommendations and Reports for IMT- Advanced, including Recommendation(s) for the radio interface specifications.
Committed to Connecting the World Q / Vision Rec ITU-R M.1645 Radio Framework & Core Specifications Market/ Services view Technology view Spectrum view Name Setting the stage for the future: Vision, spectrum, and technology views Defining the technology The IMT-Advanced Process Proposals, Evaluation, & Consensus Building Spectrum identification Process definition Open invitation for proposals
Committed to Connecting the World Schedule PROPOSALS EVALUATION Revise proposals CONSENSUS BUILDING inside & outside of ITU – revise proposals / #1#2#3#4#5#6 Invitation for proposals 5/LCCE/ #21#22 Evaluation criteria and methodology Rep ITU-R M.2135 #7 Technical requirements Rep ITU-R M.2134 Services framework Rec ITU-R M.1822 Framework and key characteristics Rec ITU-R M.[IMT.RADIO] 2010 #8#9 Detailed specifications of the radio interfaces Rec ITU-R M.[IMT.RSPEC] Preliminary EVALUATION WP8FWP5D 2011 #10 Add#1Add#2
Committed to Connecting the World Decision LTE-Advanced and WirelessMAN-Advanced technologies were each determined to have successfully met all of the criteria established by ITU-R for the first release of IMT- Advanced. LTE-Advanced is developed by 3GPP as LTE Release 10 and Beyond (LTE-Advanced). WirelessMAN-Advanced is developed by IEEE as the WirelessMAN-Advanced specification incorporated in IEEE Std beginning with approval of IEEE Std m. Full details of the submissions and evaluation process are contained in the recently Approved Report ITU-R M.2198 The detailed technical specifications of these radio interfaces will be contained in Recommendation ITU-R M.[RSPEC] to be finalized in 2011.
Committed to Connecting the World
Committed to Connecting the World IMT Evolution IMT-2000 IMT-Advanced IMT-2020? 3G 4G CDMA-DS, CDMA-MC CDMA-TDD TDMA-SC FDMA-TDMA OFDMA- TDD-WMAN WCDMA CDMA2000 TD-SCDMA EDGE (UWC-136) EV-DO EDGE EvolutionWiMAX HSPA LTE LTE-Advanced WirelessMAN-Advanced HSPA+ HSDPA 2 Mbit/s1 Gbit/s Following a detailed evaluation against stringent technical and operational criteria, ITU has determined that “LTE- Advanced” and “WirelessMAN-Advanced” should be accorded the official designation of IMT-Advanced. The detailed specifications of IMT-Advanced technologies will be provided in a new ITU-R Recommendation expected in early IMT-Advanced is the next generation set of standards in the International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) framework for global wireless broadband communications. It is recognized that the term 4G, while undefined, is also being applied to the forerunners of these technologies — LTE and WiMax — and to other evolved 3G technologies, providing a substantial level of improvement in performance and capabilities with respect to the initial third generation systems now deployed. 1985
Committed to Connecting the World Future spectrum needs While voice traffic on mobile networks is growing at a relatively constant rate, there is a very rapid increase in the volume of data traffic. This increase is being accelerated by the introduction of a growing array of advanced multimedia devices and applications. The overall amount of spectrum identified for IMT does not meet the amount spectrum estimated as being required by 2020 in the ITU studies. Also, in some cases harmonization of the bands on a global basis has not been achieved.
Committed to Connecting the World Next steps There is a long lead time involved in identifying suitable spectrum at the international level, making the spectrum available at the national level, and actual system deployment. Consequently undertook an “Analysis and assessment of global broadband wireless services and marketplace for IMT”. A key component of that assessment will be to review the original spectrum estimates to see whether those forecasts are now being realized or exceeded. Administrations took this information into account during the World Radiocommunication Conference 2012.
Committed to Connecting the World Joint Task Group (JTG ) Resolution 232 (WRC-12) Use of the frequency band MHz by the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service in Region 1 and related studies resolves to allocate the frequency band MHz in Region 1 to the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service on a co-primary basis with other services to which this band is allocated on a primary basis and to identify it for IMT; the allocation is effective immediately after WRC ‑ 15. invites ITU-R to study the spectrum requirement for the mobile service and for the broadcasting service in this frequency band; to study the channelling arrangements for the mobile service, adapted to the frequency band below 790 MHz, etc… Resolution 233 (WRC-12) Studies on frequency-related matters on International Mobile Telecommunications and other terrestrial mobile broadband applications invites ITU ‑ R to study additional spectrum requirements taking into account: technical and operational characteristics of IMT systems; the needs of developing countries … 13
Committed to Connecting the World Conclusions ITU plays a leading role in establishing the standards and spectrum arrangements for the IMT global mobile broadband standards. It is now timely to review the spectrum requirements to realize global mobile broadband’s vast potential to connect the world. This review is being addressed in the ITU-R’s Study Group and Conference activities and will be considered at the World Radiocommunication Conference 2015.