J. Frankis 1, K. Lorimer 1, M. Davis 2, C. Knussen 1, L. McDaid 3, P. Flowers 1 1 Glasgow Caledonian University, School of Health and Life Sciences, 2 Monash University, School of Social Sciences, Melbourne 3 University of Glasgow, MRC/CSO Social & Public Health Sciences Unit Regular HIV testing amongst negative/untested higher risk MSM in four countries: Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland UK BHIVA/BASH guidelines recommend regular annual testing for sexually active MSM, with more frequent 6 or 3 monthly testing for those at ‘higher risk’ of infection No clear definition of risk in this context Most studies examine recent or frequency of testing
Methods – SMMASH Social Media MSM & Sexual Health study Online survey of 2668 MSM in Scotland, Wales, NI and RoI 94.3% unknown or HIV- status 46% reported higher risk sex (1+ UAI partners 12 months) Results Demographics – age 35.8, 97% white, 81% gay, 19% bisexual Sociodemographics – 62% ≥degree, 58% single, 31% regular male partner / civil partnership, 11% regular female partner Gay Scene Use – 60% never, 25% ≤ once a month or less Sexual Health Behaviours – 77% ≥10 anal partners HIV testing – 29% never, 49% annually of whom 20% 6 monthly STI testing – 38% annually, 45% in the last year
Results – Multivariate Logistic Regression Adjusting for age, social & sexual behaviours, odds of reporting regular, ≤6 monthly HIV testing were sig. higher for MSM who; Live in Scotland (AOR=1.69) or NI (2.0) than the RoI Report 10+ anal partners (1.69) Tested for an STI (3.78) in the previous 12 months Report regular, annual STI testing (13.92) Use the commercial gay scene (1.58) Conclusion – HIV testing in MSM falls below UK guidelines Reposition untested rather than positive men as risky? Opt out policy - HIV testing more normative than STI testing Normative influence of gay scene – online & elsewhere