Building An Enriched Vocabulary Lesson 6
abstain Verb Verb To refrain completely and voluntarily. To refrain completely and voluntarily. Synonyms: forgo, avoid, shun Synonyms: forgo, avoid, shun Example: Example: If you want to lose weight, you will have to abstain from eating the rich desserts you love. If you want to lose weight, you will have to abstain from eating the rich desserts you love.
affectation Noun Noun A pretentious display of manners or sentiments that are not genuine; a peculiar habit of dress or behavior that has been adopted to impress others. A pretentious display of manners or sentiments that are not genuine; a peculiar habit of dress or behavior that has been adopted to impress others. Synonyms: pretense, mannerism Synonyms: pretense, mannerism Example: Example: Beneath her affectation of elegance and refinement, I could easily recognize the crude and awkward girl I had known years before. Beneath her affectation of elegance and refinement, I could easily recognize the crude and awkward girl I had known years before.
amnesty Noun Noun An official pardon granted to offenders against the government, especially for political reasons. An official pardon granted to offenders against the government, especially for political reasons. Synonyms: forgiveness, immunity Synonyms: forgiveness, immunity Example: Example: A new government will often grant amnesty to people formerly convicted of political offenses. A new government will often grant amnesty to people formerly convicted of political offenses.
arbitrate Verb Verb To act as an impartial judge; to settle To act as an impartial judge; to settle Synonyms: mediate Synonyms: mediate Example: Example: Because he was fair-minded, he was chosen to arbitrate the dispute. Because he was fair-minded, he was chosen to arbitrate the dispute.
attrition Noun Noun A gradual wearing down resulting from friction, pressure, or harrassment. A gradual wearing down resulting from friction, pressure, or harrassment. A gradual decrease in size, strength, or number as a result of retirement, resignation, or death. A gradual decrease in size, strength, or number as a result of retirement, resignation, or death. Synonyms: erosion, reduction Synonyms: erosion, reduction Example: The sales department is overstaffed, but the normal rate of attrition should solve that problem quickly. Example: The sales department is overstaffed, but the normal rate of attrition should solve that problem quickly.
Belligerent Adjective Adjective Warlike or hostile Warlike or hostile Synonyms: contentious, hostile, quarrelsome Synonyms: contentious, hostile, quarrelsome Example: Example: We cannot hope to arrive at a fair settlement when your attitude is so belligerent. We cannot hope to arrive at a fair settlement when your attitude is so belligerent.
Boorish Adjective Adjective Rude or unrefined Rude or unrefined Synonyms: vulgar, crude, unmannerly Synonyms: vulgar, crude, unmannerly Example: Example: The obnoxious and boorish behavior of the guests ruined the party. The obnoxious and boorish behavior of the guests ruined the party.
Calumny Noun Noun A false statement deliberately made up to injure a person. A false statement deliberately made up to injure a person. Synonyms: Lie, falsehood, slander Synonyms: Lie, falsehood, slander Example: Example: The calumnies used by both candidates made it impossible to believe or respect either. The calumnies used by both candidates made it impossible to believe or respect either.
Chronic Adjective Adjective Continuing over a long period of time or recurring often. Continuing over a long period of time or recurring often. Synonyms: Continual, constant Synonyms: Continual, constant Example: Example: His inability to arrive anywhere on time has become a chronic problem. His inability to arrive anywhere on time has become a chronic problem.
Complacent Adjective Adjective Overly self-satisfied; smug. Overly self-satisfied; smug. Synonym: self-contented Synonym: self-contented Example: Example: We must never become complacent about our fight against terrorism. We must never become complacent about our fight against terrorism.