High Blood Pressure
people worldwide people worldwide 1 in 10
3 million die each year
What is blood pressure?
Veins and arteries
The heart
140/90 is high
120/80 is good
How does high blood pressure make a person feel?
Symptoms of Very High Blood Pressure Headache Weakness and dizziness Hard beating of the heart Blurred-fuzzy vision Headache Weakness and dizziness Hard beating of the heart Blurred-fuzzy vision
What does high blood pressure do to the body?
Paralysis Death Paralysis Death Stroke
Heart Disease
Damaged eyes
Damaged kidneys
What causes high blood pressure?
Coffee and tea
Pregnant Women Weak Dizzy Headache Weak Dizzy Headache Swollen legs Bad eyesight Swollen legs Bad eyesight
Get help immediately!
What can we do to treat high blood pressure?
Medicines alone are not enough
Do not smoke
Avoid alcohol, coffee and tea
Use little salt
Be active
Avoid anger and worry
If heavy lose weight
Water Treatment
Cool forehead
Wait for 15 minutes
“He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength.” Isaiah 40:29