Settings and properties Sergey Sukhonosov, Dr. Sergey Belov National Oceanographic Data Centre, Russia Training course on establishment of the ODP regional node and data network for SNDM-Argentina, October 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2 Initial settings Users and roles a) Create user and assign proper role b) Specify roles in web-app configuration file $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy/dpms.sar/dpms.war/ WEB-INF/web.xml E.g.: MINCYT:DP:ADMIN MINCYT:DP:USER … MINCYT:DP:ADMIN MINCYT:DP:USER
3 Initial settings c) Specify roles for non-SSO access $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/conf/dpms/config/dpms $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/conf/dpms/config/dpms E.g.: admin=MINCYT:DP:ADMIN admin=password
4 Main DP configuration $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/conf/dpms/config/ Parameter nameDefault valueDescription Integration Server URL 8080/iserv2 URL to the Integration Server entry point, that Data Provider connect to. Integration Server is situated at ODP region node Integration Server user name jcportalUser name at Integration Server. This value don’t change as a rule Integration Server user password portalUser password. This value don’t changed as a rule Internal server IP- address[:port] :8080Internal server IP address. External server IP- address[:port] dp.mincyt.gob.arExternal server IP address Notice: It’s mandatory rule that IP address must be changed from localhost to DNS name or IP address that accessible to Integration Server address.
5 Main DP configuration Proxy-server address[:port]IP address of proxy server. This option uses in rare case of network topology and don’t used as a rule Country codeARCountry code concerning ISO alpha-2 ( so_3166_code_lists/country_names_and _code_elements.htm ) so_3166_code_lists/country_names_and _code_elements.htm Date formatdd-MM-yyyy HH:mmDate and time template for user interface. Unique Data Provider IDMINCYTUnique Data Provider identificator. Value is specified in Partnership Centre for the IODE ODP Data Provider nameMINCYTData Provider name. Value is specified in Partnership Centre for the IODE ODP Node identifierMINCYTIdentificator specified on a type of the ODP node.
6 Main DP configuration Interface languageEnglishUser interface language Last Data Provider software update date Last Data Provider software update date. Specified by software developers. Data Provider software version Specified by software developers. Documentation web site (optional) Documentation web site SOAP web-service mode enabled trueEvent-driven communication model. Logging mode (SOAP web- service invocation) trueLogging mode. Data Provider logs to Service Bus Number of records in test request response 100Record count received in response from data source during test request
7 Main DP configuration The maximum number of concurrent threads 5Number of concurrent threads running at Data Provider server. Number depends on CPU and RAM. Default federation code1.3Don’t change Vocabulary dictionary standard BODCDon’t change Quartz-service nameDPMSQuartzSchedulerDon’t change DP - IS communication service name on Service Bus ODPGLOBAL_DPCom municationWS Web service name for event-driven communication between DP and IS
8 JBoss AS configuration $JBOSS_HOME/bin/run.conf (for Linux) or $JBOSS_HOME/bin/run.main.bat (for Windows) “JAVA_HOME” – JDK installation path “JAVA_OPTS” parameters: -Xms – initial heap memory size -Xmx – maximum heap memory size $JBOSS_HOME/bin/run.bat (for Windows) Specify IP address binded to JBoss AS E.g.: run.main.bat –b
9 DP initial configurations $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/conf/dpms/dpdb.prop erties PATH_TO_IR=/opt/dp/jboss GA/server/default/conf/dpms/resources ELEMENTS_MD_FILE=/opt/dp/jboss GA/ server/default/conf/dpms/elements/BODC/ElementsMD_en.xml $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/conf/dpms/config/ quartz-jobs.xml All pathes in tags should be updated depending on JBOSS installation path E.g.: /opt/dp/jboss GA/ server/default/conf/dpms/ncResults,240
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