PRONOUNS and possessive pronouns, and indexing for pronouns
What is a pronoun?
A pronoun/ possessive pronoun takes the place of a noun.
Examples: Pronouns He. it, she, they, we, us, them, me, you, all of you or y’all, her I see her. Possessive pronouns Her, his, its, ours, yours, mine, theirs Her name is Beth.
Examples My teacher knows you. She wants my homework My dog Max knows your dog, they go to the same school. It has good teachers. I finished my homework, it is at home. Skip has a cat; her name is Jill. I know Jim; does he know you?
Handshapes Pronoun= pointing finger Possessive pronoun = open “B” handshape.
Try these My teacher is Mrs. Claborn; she wants my homework. My dog Max knows your dog, They go to the same school; it has good teachers. I forgot my homework, it is finished though. Skip has a cat; her name is Jill. I know Jim; does he know you?
Indexing Is pointing (yes, like a pronoun) an object into your space Your space is yours to manage so that you may keep information organized Jim has ASL homework. He likes fingerspelling. He fingerspells good.
Examples Bob is deaf, he fingerspells slowly. He has 6 teachers; they like him. He knows your ASL teacher, Julie. He likes her. Do you know Bob?