Department of Economy and Management The department address: Medova Pechera str.,53, (off. 110) Lviv Ukraine The building of financial faculty of the Lviv State Academy of Finance Tel. (032) Student's scientific circle «State Creator»
The purpose of the department creation was necessity of allocation of the block of educational and economic disciplines for strengthening the efficiency of educational process, realisation of profound coordination, improvement of internal and between cathedral educational and methodical communication, settlement of system of educational methodical and scientific work with a corresponding orientation on preparation of competent experts of financial and economic sphere. From the moment of its creation and till now the head of the department is Cand. Econ. Sci., professor Borys Karpinskij.
The main tasks of the department are: 1. Organisation of proper educational process in subjects which are within it’s competence. 2. Formation and working out of educational and methodical maintenance, proceeding from a branch orientation of experts preparation for working in financial establishment. 3. Organisation of the scientific research of students and post-graduate students according to the specific of the department. 4. Coordination of the process of preparation and defending dissertations. 5. Effective control of the level of students success on subjects fixed to the department curriculum.
B.Karpinskij V.Galanec O.Malinovska G. Ка plenko N.Pak V.Dubyk J. Ка rpova – Laursen O.Osidach M.Grygorieva N.Sytnyk N.Shukatka O.Gerasymenko
І. Scientific research: participation in scientific conferences, seminars and discussions; awareness and taking part in research work of the department; studying the methodology of scientific researches; approbation of scientific research results.
ІІ. Academic: deep studying of profile disciplines which have not been included into standard programme; the control of quality education; the analysis of the department scientific circle members training success; independent preparation in a circle of active students, scientific and pedagogical workers; constant improvement of knowledge in sphere of economy, management and public administration; preparation of recommendations concerning the improvement of educational process organisation.
ІІІ. Communicative: creation of communicative space for members of the circle; collection, processing and helpful information distribution (training, sharing in seminars, employment); informing public about circle activity; communication with all the people, who are related to the department training of diploma writers.
IV. Educational: formation of leader qualities and ability to work in a team; increase of culture level of business communication; the organisation of interesting leisure; caution of negative displays among the students; Successful cooperation of members of the circle and employees of the department.
V. Organizational: organisation of regular meetings of the circle, round tables, conferences, trainings, seminars, debates; realisation of excursions and meetings with outstanding persons; database formation about members of a scientific circle of the department.
Among the conferences, where students-members of the scientific circle of the department presented their reports, the most significant are: The problem of training and interdisciplinary approach in administrative sciences. The international academic and research conference within the limits of the International week in Kauno kolegija (University of applied sciences, Lithuania); The role of the European Union in the course of the European integration - chances, prospects. Partner debates (Lodz - Lviv); Economic-legal features of the development of Ukraine and its regions in the conditions of eurointegration. Whole Ukrainian academic and research conference (Simferopol); Competitiveness of frontier regions of Ukraine and Poland. Interuniversity student's academic and research conference (Lviv); The problem of formation and development of financial-credit system of Ukraine. II interuniversity academic and research conference (Kharkov); The problem of the account, analysis and audit in the conditions of integration and globalization processes. International students scientific conference (Lviv). National Students Strategic Management Championships «GMC Junior»
Thank you for attention!