Hot Fact #1 Mauna Loa on Hawaii is the largest live volcano on Earth.
Scientists who study volcanoes are called volcanologists. Hot Fact #2
Hot Fact #3 Lava is the name given to magma when it escapes on to the Earth’s surface.
The Earth’s crust is made of huge pieces of rock called plates. Hot Fact #4
The ring of fire is a volcano on the Pacific Ocean. Hot Fact #5
On average between 20 and 30 volcanoes erupt each year. Hot Fact #6
As runny lava cools and hardens it produces wrinkled surface known as pahoehoe. Hot Fact #7
Volcanic dust can cause red sunsets. Hot Fact #8
Rice and other food crops grow well in volcanic soil. Hot Fact #9
Volcanic bombs are large pieces of rock but sometimes thrown out during a volcanic eruption. Hot Fact #10