Abdulrahman Bin Humood ECE 2552 Soft/Hardware Integration DVD Rental
A DVD rental is a machine provides a collection of movies, which is new, old, international, and a lot of movies with out any cashier. A DVD rental machine can accept cash, or credit card, by giving your information, and be a customer there. What is a DVD Rental?
To be able to use some information from : To be able to able to formulate an algorithm. To be able to create a DVD Rental programs in C++ which I can use the subjects we covered and some information from website. Create a program which makes it easy for people to rent movie without cashier in the real life. O BJECTIVE :
Description: The basic idea is to provide a customer or the user information about movie name, how many days, and the member s (he) wants. So, there are a few steps we need to follow: Create a C++ project called DVD Rental. Using class definition from its implementation, called DVD. Using Access specifies Create a function after main Display some input then the program will further display the prompt write a function which will calculate rental/charged amount on the basis of this information run the program getting the output
The Code: #include using namespace std; class dvd { public: double days; double amount; double prise; void count(double, double); }; void dvd:: count(double d, double pri) { days=d; prise=pri; amount = days*prise;//type casting variable cout<<"\nYour total amount is:"<<amount<<" Dollers\n"; }
int main() { char op; string op2,op3,op4,op5,op6,op7,op8; int op1,op11; double op10,op9; cout > op; switch(toupper(op)) { case 'L': cout << " Movie Legends...\n"; cout <<" 1)Rocky\n"; cout <<" 2)Good Father\n"; cout <<" 3)Good Fellas\n"; cout <<" 4)Titanic\n";
The output: This output appears when you select the right option.
The output: This output appears when you select the wrong option.
Conclusion: The project works successfully. try to make it more interesting by selecting 2 movies at the same time. the project is easy, simple, and not that complicated. the project covers some of the material in the class.
Improvement: Able to use function prototypes and types for manipulating the time and date which makes it easy to know what time the person has come and rent the movie.
Reference: 1) qid= AA3xrcH qid= AA3xrcH 2)
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