A citizen is a member of a political community.
An American citizen is a person born in the United States or to US citizens who are in a foreign country.
A person who moves from one country to another to live is called an immigrant.
▪ They go through naturalization and sign an oath. ▪ Take a test on American history and government and pass. ▪ They must be 18 years old. ▪ They must be able to write and speak English. ▪ They must pledge allegiance to the United States. ▪ They must live in the United States for 5 years.
One right that American citizens have is the right to run for public office. What does this mean? ▪ They can run for a position that makes decisions for the citizens. Ex: governor, representatives, president, etc.
1. Freedom of speech and religion 2. Right to carry a gun 3. Right to due process 4. Right to a jury
1. Obey laws 2. Pay taxes
1. Public service (volunteering) 2. Vote 3. Respect the Rights of Others
1. Serve on a jury 2. Serve in military
1. Public service 2. Respect for others’ personal property/rights 3. Vote!!! 4. Patriotism
Patriotism is loving your country and being respectful of it.
“Ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country.” Click here to see President John F. Kennedy speak. A1ikkoEc
A nation is a group of people under a single government
International-concerning MORE than one nation
Trade is an exchange of goods and services.
Diplomacy involves representatives of countries meeting to try to resolve differences peacefully.
The difference between peace and conflict is peace is getting along and conflict is disagreeing
A treaty is an agreement made among two or more parties for peace.
Interdependence is when we depend on other nations for things.
In 1945, fifty countries got together and established an international organization whose goal was to bring peace and respond to international problems. The chief officer is the Secretary General. The United Nations headquarters is in New York City.
North American Free Trade Agreement Canada, Mexico and the United States trade with each other. North Atlantic Treaty Organization Military alliance where each country promises to come to the aid of the others if it is attacked. United States, Canada, and western European countries