Zoo Trip Information
Zoo Safety Rules Stay with the chaperone at all times. Follow any directions given by teachers, group leaders, chaperones, and Zoo staff. Do not climb on exhibits, fences or rocks or tap on the exhibits with glass. Walk rather than run to avoid getting hurt or scaring the animals. Pick up your trash and recycle. Respect the animals – do not make loud noises. Headphones or cell phones must be turned off and put away during the visit, and we suggest that students avoid bringing them onto Zoo grounds, as we are not liable for loss or damage. Go to a Zoo staff member if you can’t find your chaperone.
Bus Rules are to be Followed Here are three important ones: 1. Students MUST remain seated properly at all times unless otherwise directed by the school bus driver. (BACK to BACK – BOTTOM to BOTTOM) 2. Unnecessary noise is prohibited. Students must talk quietly - NO loud voices. 3. Student shall not talk on a cell phone and no other electronic devices can be used without headphones and must not be heard by others. Students must be able to hear bus driver at all times.
Weather Wear SUNSCREEN!!!!
What to Wear Wear your field trip yellow shirt or uniform shirt Shorts in uniform or pants in uniform Comfy walking shoes in uniform Sunglasses/hat for sun protection (do not wear on bus or in the school building) String book bag/baby book bag/purse with lunch option and personal items. No big book bag allowed! You will carry it the entire time so please be careful with what you put in it. (not to heavy and make sure nothing will leak) We are not responsible for anything lost or stolen and will not be stressing out helping you find whatever it is you lost! If you are out of dress code and inappropriately dressed you will stay back and get a refund.
Day of the Trip The students must arrive on time to school, we are departing at 9:30 am! Students that arrive late will be given an alternative assignment for the day and stay back. Go straight to your first period teacher. Check in for attendance and then go immediately to your designated zoo leader. Your zoo leader will give you a wristband that you will wear the entire trip. The wristband will tell you what bus to get on. You must get on the RIGHT bus leaving and returning!
Chaperone If your parent is an approved chaperone please let them know the following rule from Cobb County: IFCB-R: IFCB-R: Chaperones may not bring other children on the field trip.
DO NOT FORGET LUNCH Options for lunch: Bring money to buy lunch at the zoo… you will need dollars Bring lunch from home in your string book bag or purse (be sure drinks do not leak and nothing needs refrigeration) Sack lunch. You will pick it up during breakfast. Go to the cashier and ask for a sack lunch.
Getting Back from the Zoo We will be loading busses at 2:30 at the zoo and arrive back at school at 3:30 pm. Zoo leaders will walk you to your first period connection (6 th period) where you will stay until dismissal.
Remember you are representing Tapp Middle School, your zoo leader, your chaperones and yourself We will not be the only people at the zoo. Please be respectful to those around you. Open doors for others, let little children go in front of you if they can not see and show everyone how wonderful we are!!!
Have a good attitude tomorrow! We will be outside and not sitting in a classroom!!!!