Hospice By: Shantel Stenthouse and Amanda Kraus
Patient Description Hospice care is for seriously ill patients to spend their final months living, rather than cure. 2/3 of all Hospice patients are over the age of 65. Hospice is for patients whose life span is 6 months or less.
Services Provided Provides comfort and special care services to improve the condition of life for the patient and his/her family. Hospice provides symptom and pain relief as well as spiritual and emotional support. The goal of Hospice is to give the highest excellence of life possible until time is over.
Cost Hospice is covered by insurance including Medicare and Medicaid, or The Veterans Health Administration. Although many Hospice programs are different concerning payment, services are mainly based on need rather than the facility to pay.
Type of Employees Specially trained volunteers, doctors, nurses, counselors, or social workers come to visit the patient in Hospice to make them have a sense of comfort. Therapy trained dogs can visit the Hospice to bring a smile onto the patients face.
Interesting Facts Hospice can take place in your own home. Help is available 24/7 when you need it. Out of 2,450,000 U.S deaths, 1,020,000 are Hospice deaths. The word "hospice" comes from the Latin "hospitium" meaning guesthouse. Location of Death2009 Patient’s Place of Residence68.6% Private Residence40.1% Nursing Home18.9% Residential Facility9.6% Hospice Inpatient Facility21.2% Acute Care Hospital10.1%