Chapter 1 Thinking Critically
“Thinking critically is an approach to problem solving and decision making that involves Careful reading (or listening) Sharp thinking Logical analysis Good visualization Healthy skepticism ” page 13
Section 1A Recognizing Fallacies pages 14-18 Definition: An argument is a collection of facts or assumptions (called premises) that are used to support a conclusion. Definition: A fallacy is a deceptive argument.
1. Appeal to Popularity “Ford makes the best automobile in America. After all, more people drive Fords than any other American car.” P: More people drive Fords than any other American car. C: Ford makes the best automobile in America.
2. False Cause “I placed the quartz crystal on my forehead, and in five minutes my headache was gone. The crystal made my headache go away.” P: I placed the quartz crystal on my forehead. P: In five minutes my headache was gone. C: The crystal made my headache go away.
3. Appeal to Ignorance “Scientists have not found any concrete evidence of aliens visiting Earth. Therefore, anyone who claims to have seen a UFO must be hallucinating.” P: Scientists have not found any concrete evidence of aliens visiting Earth. C: Therefore, UFOs do not exist.
4. Hasty Generalization “Two cases of childhood leukemia have occurred along the street where the high-voltage power lines run. The power lines must be the cause of these illnesses.” P: Two cases of childhood leukemia have occurred along the street where the high-voltage power lines run. C: The power lines must be the cause of these illnesses.
5. Limited Choice / False Dilemma “You don’t support the President, so you are not a patriotic American.” P: You don’t support the President. C: You are not a patriotic American. “Have you stopped smoking?” . . . P: You have previously smoked. C: . . .
6. Appeal to Emotion “…Because so much is riding on your tires.” P: You love your baby. C: Buy Michelin tires.
7. Personal Attack Gwen: You should stop drinking because it’s hurting your grades, endangering people when you drink and drive, and destroying your relationship with your family.” Merle: I’ve seen you drink a few too many on occasion yourself! P: Gwen has had drinks before. C: I (Merle) should not stop drinking.
8. Diversion (Red Herring) “We should not continue to fund genetic research because there are so many ethical issues involved. Ethics is at the heart of our society, and we cannot afford to have too many ethical loose ends.” P: There are many ethical issues involved in genetic research. P: Society cannot afford to have too many ethical loose ends. [unrelated] C: We should not continue to fund genetic research.
9. Circular Reasoning “Society has an obligation to shelter the homeless because the needy have a right to the resources of the community.” P: The needy have a right to the resources of the community. C: Society has an obligation to shelter the homeless.
10. Straw Man Columnist William F. Buckley has written many articles arguing in favor of legalizing drugs. A speaker who opposes legalization begins by saying , “Mr. Buckley doesn’t think there is anything wrong with drug use, but I do.” P: Mr. Buckley’s position is that there is nothing wrong with drug use. [distortion] C: I do not support legalization of drugs.
22/20 The Golden Rule is a sound ethical principle because it is basic to every system of ethics in every culture. P: The Golden Rule is basic to every system of ethics in every culture. C: It is a sound ethical principle. Circular Reasoning
24/20 Everyone I know is voting for the Governor, so you should vote for him too. P: Everyone I know is voting for the Governor C: The Governor is the best choice. Appeal to Popularity
26/20 Most of the great mathematicians in history have been men, so men must be better at mathematics than women. P: Most of the great mathematicians in history have been men C: Men must be better at mathematics than women. Hasty Generalization
Diversion/Personal Attack 29/20 There is no way that Senator Smith’s bill can help the cause of gun control because he is one of the biggest recipients of campaign contributions from the National Rifle Association. P: Senator Smith is one of the biggest recipients of campaign contributions from the National Rifle Association [distraction/opposition] C: There is no way that Senator Smith’s bill can help the cause of gun control Diversion/Personal Attack
31/20 Since 1960, the percentage of the population over 18 who smoke has decreased from 40% to about 20%. During the same period, the percentage of overweight people has increased from 25% to 35%. Clearly, quitting smoking leads to overeating. P: Since 1960, the percentage of the population over 18 who smoke has decreased. P: Since 1960, the percentage of overweight people has increased. C: Quitting smoking leads to overeating. False Cause
33/20 My little boy loves dolls and my little girl loves trucks, so there’s no truth to the claim that boys are more interested in mechanical toys while girls prefer maternal toys. P: My little boy loves dolls. P: My little girl loves trucks. C: There’s no truth to the claim that boys are more interested in mechanical toys while girls prefer maternal toys. Hasty Generalization
Homework for Friday 1) Read Prologue - pages 2-11. 2) Page 20 - # 23, 25, 27, 28, 30. Be sure to list P and C and fallacy and reason for your choice.