Logical Fallacies Protect yourself!
A “Fallacy” is an error in reasoning. Sometimes it’s an honest mistake, but sometimes people use fallacies to try to manipulate us. We can’t let this happen!
Examples of Logical Fallacies
Slippery Slope Fallacy Taking an argument to a ridiculous extreme in order to discredit it.
Ad Homenum Fallacy Attacking the person making the argument instead of the argument itself.
Appeal to Tradition Arguing that something should be done a certain way because it’s always been done that way.
Appeal to Pity Appealing to emotions rather than facts.
Appeal to Improper Authority Using an expert to support your position who has little expertise in that area.
“Straw Man” Fallacy Attacking only the weakest position of your opponent.
Either-Or Fallacy Providing no middle ground to your position.
Post Hoc, Ergo Prompter Hoc Fallacy Making the mistake of believing that an event caused another event simply because it came before.