THRIVING FAMILIES Improving outcomes for Hertfordshire families with multiple and complex needs Gareth Morgan. Thriving Families Programme Manager HCC
Thriving Families – Context A multi-agency response to further strengthen Early Intervention/Prevention Incorporates government’s ‘Troubled Families’ initiative Thriving Families Board reports to Health and Well-Being Board Evidence-based holistic family approach (Family Intervention model) – underpinned by Family CAF Delivers via core Thriving Families Teams (x 5) plus aligned HCC/partner resource Local ownership through Action and Impact reviews (double district) Implementation from September 12
Aligned TF Resources 5 x HCC Thriving Families teams (double districts) 2 x Seconded staff from Job Centre + 9 x Family Intervention Workers (FIWs) (Housing) 6 x Senior FIWs ( Drug & Alcohol) 1 x Keeping Children in Local Education District/Borough Councils – named lead officer (nominated by CEO) School partnerships / Children’s Centres Police / Probation / Health visitors District Anti-Social Behaviour / Housing providers Voluntary Community Sector e.g. CVS Hertsmere, NHCVS, Hertshelp (Herts Welfare Assistance Service). One Herts One Family
Working Through Partnerships Early Intervention & Targeted Support to meet the needs of vulnerable children
Performance Update Families Worked With and Outcomes Achieved In line with national DCLG expectation of engaging 50% of families (675) and exceeding 10% of outcomes (135) of target 1,350 families Reporting period Households identified Families being worked with Outcome claims Year 1 Qtr Year 2 Qtr Year 2 Qtr
Core national indicators Local indicators
Discussions moving towards phase 2 Parents/carers whose eldest child is under 5 excluded from this criterion – potential group of vulnerable, young and often single parents helped a little by 2 year old places not taken up but an area potentially included in Phase 2 SS - stepping down (Child Protection and Children in Need) – families where local indicators are evident e.g. substance misuse,, but do not meet DCLG criteria – but where on-going intensive support needed to prevent re-escalation (and sustain the change) Stepping up – intensive holistic family support when cases ‘step up’ and S&SS lead (some continuity of support/plan where a Thriving Families case and some interventions continue) Complex CAF cases held at ‘school action plus’ (not obviously eligible for TF) but where wider family support would be beneficial and challenging for school to lead
Next Steps Increasing partner-led cases - assertive outreach targeting schools and children’s centres Increasing capacity in core teams to meet peak case holding (anticipated June 14) Improving family tracking and performance information - eCAF implementation Increasing and ongoing communication – practitioner and family friendly leaflets (GP surgeries, members, libraries); good news stories; family video Establishing financial modelling – cost/benefit tool (due from DCLG next month) Developing ‘earlier intervention’ demonstration projects – to broaden criteria – autumn Scoping ‘Aspiring Communities’ to target specific communities/wider population impact – autumn Planning for Phase year extension to 2020 – wider eligibility, broader support
Can you tick two or more of the following for any families you are currently aware of? Worklessness School attendance issues Youth offending, or ASB in the family? Yes? Please let us know! By signing the family up to Thriving Families you could access extra, focussed support to help the family overcome any issues, including Family Budgets. Thriving Families Teams only lead on complex cases within the holistic family way of working – if they don’t need intensive support you can carry on working with them just as you are, but with that little extra support if you need it. Contact your local TF Team Manager or the TF central team on
Questions? Gareth Morgan