$200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 Category 3Category 4Category 5 Category 1Category 2
List the eight levels of classifications in order of most general to most specific FINAL JEOPARDY C1 final
Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
Paramecium and slime mold belong to this kingdom C1 $100
Protista C1 $100
Define eukaryotes C1 $200
Eukaryotes have a nucleus and membrane bound organelles C1 $200
Which kingdom contains unicellular and multicellular organisms? C1 $300
Protist C1 $300
Molds and mushrooms belong to which kingdom? C1 $400
Fungi C1 $400
The solidified remains or imprint of a previously existing organism C1 $500
fossil C1 $500
C2 $100 The organism in the picture is classified in the _____kingdom
C2 $100 Plantae
C2 $200 The organism in the picture is classified in the _____kingdom
C2 $200 Fungi
C2 $300 Which classification level is in the fifth position?
C2 $300 order
C2 $400 The European water lily is called Nymphaea alba. What is the genus this plant belongs to?
C2 $400 Nymphaea
C2 $500 What kind of environment do archaebacteria thrive in?
C2 $500 Hot springs and other extreme environments
C3 $100 The organism in the picture is classified in the _____kingdom
C3 $100 protist
C3 $200 Which animal shares the most traits with the chimp?
C3 $200 The mouse
C3 $300 Do salamanders share the characteristics of having claws or nails with birds?
C3 $300 No, salamanders branched off before these traits began
C3 $400 What 2 characteristics do mice have that lizards do not have?
C3 $400 Fur and mammary glands
C3 $500 Fossils are found in what type of rock?
C3 $500 Sedimentary rock
C4 $100 A pine tree is a member of which kingdom?
C4 $100 Plantae
C4 $200 Who is the founder of the science of taxonomy?
C4 $200 Linnaeus
C4 $300 A house cat is called Felis domesticus. What is the name of its species?
C4 $300 domesticus
C4 $400 What is the largest most general group of classifications called?
C4 $400 Domain
C4 $500 What 2 languages are scientific names written in?
C4 $500 Latin and Greek
C5 $100 When writing scientific names you underline and italicize ____ and ____.
C5 $100 Genus and species names
C5 $200 The narrowest level of classification is _____.
C5 $200 species
C5 $300 Linnaeus began naming organisms using A.Evolutionary relationships B.Two-part scientific names
C5 $300 Two-part scientific names
C5 $400 The science of identifying, classifying and naming living things is called _____.
C5 $400 Taxonomy
C5 $500 A diagram that can be constructed to trace the lineage of a species
C5 $500 Branching diagram
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