Project Overview Office of International Programs and Services -Center for Global Education Gallaudet University ‘Bunmi Aina, Director International Deaf Leadership Training Program
Project Description Training in leadership to promote leadership ability in Deaf communities in the developing world with a view to fostering effective advocacy for self-sustenance and empowerment.
Guiding Principles Persons with disability understand their issues better than anyone. To develop strategies for addressing issues, the acquisition of relevant skills is a sine qua non.
Project Goals I Facilitate leadership development among Deaf Cameroonians, Ghanaians and Nigerians: Maintaining functional and effective national, regional, and local deaf organizations with viable leadership; Developing inter- and intra-organizational communications and networking strategies; Advocating for empowerment; and Developing strategic action and follow-up implementation plans.
Direct Outcomes Anticipated Acquisition of strategic planning knowledge Development of strategic plans Inter-and intra-organizational communication and networking Effective advocacy for self-sustenance and empowerment Develop an action plan to improve performance in the organization
Current Status 100 Deaf Cameroonian, Ghanaian and Nigerian leaders identified and invited –Leadership defined by official responsibility in Deaf organizations such as: National Associations of the Deaf Deaf Women organizations Deaf educational organizations Deaf health organizations Deaf sports organizations
Schedules Workshop Delivery Date December Follow-up periods of 6 months spread over 2-years, beginning in July Annual follow-ups from July 2008 to July 2010 – end of a 5-year strategic plan period.
Team/Resources 3 African Gallaudet faculty and staff; 1 African, UK-based non-Gallaudet person. All possess extensive backgrounds in: – administration; – advocacy; –accounting; – community development; –Deaf women issues; and –international development.
Team/Resources 1 remunerated administrative consultant based in Nigeria to complete: –Hotel reservations –Hotel registration formalities –Training site reservations and arrangements –In-country travel arrangements for Training Team –Disposable training equipment purchase and delivery –Miscellaneous administrative functions
Benefits of New Procedures Focus on the developing world addresses the needs of Deaf people where most felt. Deaf communities in some Latin American countries have sent requests for similar programs to be delivered.
Current Status We are on track in terms of –Completing curriculum –Orienting the trainers to the culture –Notifying trainees regarding their acceptance –Developing plans for sustainability –Developing a dissemination strategy
Further Information Any questions or for further information, contact: –‘Bunmi Aina, Director Office of Internaitonal Programs and Services – Center for Global Education at or (202) (V/TTY) or via Sorenson Video Relay Service at ext (202)