Specific Learning Disabilities & Dyslexia Catherine CC Lam Child Assessment Service Hong Kong
What are Specific Learning Disabilities and Dyslexia?
讀寫障礙 Specific Learning Disabilities 特殊學習障礙 & Developmental Dyslexia 發展性讀寫障礙 Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) is a term that refers to a group of disorders manifested as significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening ( 聆聽 ), speaking ( 說話 ), reading ( 閱讀 ), writing( 書寫 ) or mathematical abilities ( 數學能力 ), despite access to conventional teaching.
These disorders are intrinsic to the individual and neurobiological in origin, with onset in childhood and extending beyond it. Language processing difficulties distinguish SLD as a group.
SLD is not the direct result of sensory impairment, mental retardation, social and emotional disturbance or environmental influences (e.g. cultural differences or insufficient / inappropriate instruction).
Accompanying weaknesses may be identified in areas of speed of processing ( 信息處理速 度 ),working memory ( 運作記憶 ), phonological recoding ( 語音轉錄 ), fine-grained auditory and/or visual processing ( 聽覺及視覺信息處理 ), sequencing ( 列序 ), organization ( 組織能力 ), and motor coordination ( 動作協調 ).
Some individuals with SLD have outstanding skills. Some may have skills that are masked by their SLD, while other individuals may have strengths in aspects not affected by their SLD.
Developmental Dyslexia is one of the specific learning disabilities, characterized by difficulties with accurate and fluent word recognition, word reading and writing to dictation or spelling.
Secondary consequences may include problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading experience that can impede growth of vocabulary and further acquisition of knowledge through print.
Unexpected discrepancy exists between learning aptitude and achievement in school in one or more basic subject areas.
It is acknowledged that SLD may co-occur with other developmental disorders. Attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder ADHD ( 專注力失調 / 過度活躍症 ), with its own different neurological basis, diagnosis and treatment, is not a form of SLD, but may also occur in individuals with SLD.
Facts about SLD Generally reported prevalence: 5% -15% Hong Kong: 10% - 12% 80% of people with SLD have problems with reading and language
A lifelong condition that often occurs in families With good intervention, dyslexic individuals can compensate well although features remain
Differential Diagnosis S SLD A Attention deficit/ASD M Mental delay E Emotional/Environment
Identifying symptoms Preschool (1) –delay in talking –difficulty with rhymes and rhythm –difficulty with remembering rote information –difficulty in remembering and following directions
Identifying symptoms Early Primary School (2) –difficulty in learning letter /character symbols and their sounds –confusion of similar word parts / letters –unusual reading and dictation / spelling errors
Identifying symptoms Early Primary School –difficulty in remembering spelling and writing of words over time
Identifying symptoms Late Primary School (3) –significant difficulty in reading and writing –difficulty in comprehension from text –difficulty in organizing ideas in text writing
Identifying symptoms Secondary School (4) –Continuing difficulties in reading and writing –difficulties in notes taking –difficulties in learning second language
Identifying symptoms Other frequent features –special talents –organizational difficulties –difficulties in mathematics –difficulties in handwriting –difficulties in social relations
What are the most important things to do about SLD?
Why is it urgent to help early? Each year lost will cost 2-3 years to catch up
Learn to read : P1/P2 Read to Learn : P3 on
Screening and Diagnosis Evaluation to include 1.nature of the problem 2.basic academic skill levels 3.eligibility for special education services
Screening Tools Preschool – 香港學前兒童學習行為量表 ( 家長版 ) Primary – 小學生之學習情況量表 : 及早識別和輔導有學習困難 的小一學生 (Early Intervention & Identification Checklist – eii.edb.hkedcity.net) – 香港小學生特殊學習困難行為量表 (The Hong Kong Specific Learning Difficulties Behaviour Checklist for primary school pupils) Secondary – 香港中學生中文讀寫能力測驗 : 教師專用 (CLAAS)
Intervention T Training / Therapy E Evaluation S Support (child/ family) T Teaching (specific programs)
3 aspects to help a student with SLD
Remediation 輔導, 矯正 Compensation 替代 Accommodations 適調 Prevention 預防
Critical areas to promote in Hong Kong Parents Awareness of condition Understanding of children’s specific needs Ability to seek appropriate support
Critical areas to promote in Hong Kong Special personnel Training for different levels of SEN knowledge and skills Related personnel in medical, allied health, psychology, social work etc.
Critical areas to promote in Hong Kong Legislation Promotion of public awareness of legal obligations and rights related to special education and SLD
Critical areas to promote in Hong Kong Official policies System and central support and monitoring in identification, assessment, remediation and accommodations
Critical areas to promote in Hong Kong Involvement of the wider community Non-government organizations Private organizations Availability of related personnel