7-8 Novembre 2005 Developing a methodological framework for developing Local and Regional Action Plans (LAPs & RAPs) 1 st Steering Group Meeting Bruxelles, 7-8 November 2005
7-8 Novembre 2005 Example of proposal for local coordination budget ITEMCOST (€) 1) Local Development Group (LDG) meetings 500 2) Annual Local Dissemination Workshop 500 3) Travel for Local Coordinator to Peer Review (PREW) / Steering Group Meeting (SGM) ) Staff costs TOTAL
7-8 Novembre 2005 ROLES VENICE: –Responsible for all practical arrangements –Information to all participants –Evaluation HOST CITY: (PREW 1: Prague, February 2006; PREW 2: Rome, May 2006) –Identify hotel (3 nights) –Identify venue + catering (lunch x2 plus tea & coffee) –Identify restaurant (3 dinner) –Identify company for interpretation QeC-ERAN: –Programmes –Identify experts –Liase with host city and Venice –Reports PARTNERS: –Submit names of participants –Make flight arrangements (within budget!) Peer Review and Development Workshops
7-8 Novembre delegates per partner –max 350~450€ per return travel (for PREW 1 in Prague): check budget for details. –max 110€ per delegate per night (hotel and breakfast) (for PREW 1 in Prague) Peer Review report (5000€ € for translation) Workshop packs (600€) Orientation paper (3500€ € for translation) Interpretation (11440€) Catering (1200€) Venue hire (1100€) Peer Review (PREW) – budget
7-8 Novembre 2005 Components: Partner details (pro-forma) Profiles Case studies Publications and links Web Site – QEC ERAN