Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations TCP/RER/3402 (D) Wrap up Session Podgorica, Montenegro City Hotel 24 October “014
Output 2: Purpose/Objectives OutputActivities Output 2 At least 20 representatives from 5 participating countries trained on various aspects of biosecurity and aquatic animal health management (e.g. diagnostics, surveillance, risk assessment) Good understanding of the status and challenges of disease diagnostics capacity for fish and molluscs in the 5 participating countries; Improving Methods for Regional Aquaculture Development and Promotion (Montenegro)A workshop report Manual (design, sampling, etc.)
Participation Day 1: Total 27 (F: 14 ; M: 13) Day 2: Total 23 (F: 12; M: 11) Day 3: Total 29 (F: 14; M: 15) Day 4: Total 24 (F: 14; M: 10 )
Process This workshop will be facilitated by: International Consultant 1 (Epidemiology) International Consultant 2 (Risk Analysis and Aquaculture Development and Promotion) International Consultant (Legislation) TCCT Consultant 1 (Aquatic Animal Health) TCCT Consultant 4 (Emergency Response and Contingency Plan), National Consultant 6 (Aquaculture Development and Promotion), FAO FIRA Senior Aquaculture Officer FAO Technical Support Services – LEGN Legal Officer FAO Lead Technical Officer for this project
Process Session 1: Aquaculture Development and Promotion Session 2: Aquatic Animal Health Legislation Session 3: Regional harmonization, recommendations and way forward
Session 1: Aquaculture Development and Promotion Trends in global aquaculture development (Dr Rohana P. Subasinghe, FAO) Trends in regional aquaculture development (Dr Sanin Tankovic, FAO Consultant) Country presentations: National aquaculture development: current status and future goals Aquaculture development and promotion: what is it and what is in it? (Dr Rohana P. Subasinghe, FAO) Working Group Exercise 1: Country Action Plans for Aquaculture Development and Promotion (FAO officers and consultants) WG presentations (napraviti dva nova slajda) Working Group Exercise 2: Exploring cooperation and collaboration in aquaculture development and promotion among the five countries
Session 1: Aquaculture Development and Promotion Progess towards establishing a regional Aquatic Animal |Health Information System (Dr Nihad Fejzic, FAO Consultant)
Session 2: Aquatic Animal Health Legislation Comparative analysis of national legal frameworks relevant for aquatic animal health of the countries of Western Balkans (Mr Mateja Đurović, FAO International Legal Consultant) Plenary discussion on legislative issues Two Project team planning meeting
Field trip – Kotor “Cogimar”
Session 3: Regional harmonization, recommendations and way forward Similar country characteristics Historical relationships Shared rivers Establish regional cooperation –State –Private
Conclusions Facts All countries has good freshwater resources Two countries has reasonable coastline and marine resources Land resources are limited in all countries but expansion is still possible All countries are small with population of 0.6 to 6 million All countries has good per capita GDP from USD to USD Reasonably food secure but with significant imports Small local markets but significant room for local produce Reasonable institutional capacity but needs improvement Some policy and legal framework but improving is necessary to better inclusion of aquaculture
Conclusions Negatives Low fish consumption Low consumer preference Low fish production No political will No one has convinced the politicians No business plans
Facts No education programmes No aquaculture strategies No adequate local seed No adequate feed Administrative bureaucracy Long licensing procedure How to influence governments
Facts Potential for expansion Promotion for health benefits Promotion for tourist industry Potential for banded niche products
conclusions Action plan (declaration) Web site domena aquaculturebalkan Legal part: All NPC should provide comments on draft report by the end of October Final draft will done by the end January
Reccomendations and way forward National workshops (Nov/Jan) Terminal workshop (March/April) Publications (Oct/March) Reports (6 weeks)
THANK YOU VERY MUCH TCP/RER/3402 Assisting Western Balkan Countries to Improve Compliance with International Standards on Aquatic Animal Health Podgorica, Montenegro, City Hotel, Oct 2014