A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Digital Tools For Collaboration: Must Die! Brian Kelly UKOLN University of Bath Bath UKOLN is supported by: This talk: Describes the limitations of Outlines areas in which new technologies can provide benefits Recognises areas of difficulty Suggests strategies for change This talk: Describes the limitations of Outlines areas in which new technologies can provide benefits Recognises areas of difficulty Suggests strategies for change
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk But: Information overload Poor metadata Duplication Poor management capabilities Limited developments Viruses Spam Flame wars Would take off if it came out today? But: Information overload Poor metadata Duplication Poor management capabilities Limited developments Viruses Spam Flame wars Would take off if it came out today? Let's Kill ! has been a very useful tool Mailing lists Files … " is where knowledge goes to die" Reflections On
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Versus Web Architecture can be used by a wide range of clients. But such universality is at the cost of limited functionality Reflections On Scripts Plugins Integration Personalisation … Scripts Integration Personalisation Authentication … Server Client Web
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Time To Progress? If has its flaws, how can we progress? Recognition of the problem (e.g. stress caused by information overload; difficulties in finding key messages; …) Identify areas in which alternatives are better Recognition of barriers to change Strategies for addressing these barriers Replacements For Note that examples of applications used by the author will be given. However this is not intended as an endorsement of any particular application. You should evaluate applications thoroughly before deploying them.
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk RSS - Not ! Why subscribe to lists simply for announcements when RSS readers provide more control? Why use lists alone when RSS is so easy to create? Replacements For When new QA Focus documents published, RSS file is updated. See "RSS: Let's Clear The Confusion And Start Using!" slides and handouts and Intro To RSS briefing
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk IM - Not ! Use of instant messaging: Provide immediacy (group working on topic together) Dedicated channel – unlike Value-added services: Shared applications Voice & video … Good user support – your children! (Don't believe the 'I'm spied upon; lot's of sounds, … myths) Replacements For Worried about misuse? Read a case study and policy implement guidelines
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Replacements For Sound & Video - Not ! VoIP is coming, so now’s the time to gain experiences. What are the implications of ‘free’ always-on telephony. You could all be broadcasting this talk now! VoIP: future of telephony Popular applications such as Skype: Integrated voice, IM, Web, (and now video) Can be high quality Free (or cheap to landlines & mobiles) Conference calls …
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Blogs Not ! Want to keep up to date? Find a good Blog Add it to an RSS alerter (e.g. Bloglines) Add comments Want to inform your users: Save them overload and create your own Blog! Replacements For
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Wikis - Not ! Involved in joint work? Don't send Word documents by , use a Wiki (we did!): Small, trusted group No bottleneck Comments in single location, not scattered across s Can be complemented by , IM & Skype Replacements For
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Podcasting - Not ! Can't attend a conference but interested in a talk? Viewed PowerPoints, but still don't fully understand? Why not: Listen to an MP3 recording Subscribe to a Podcast Really keen – record events you organise or your favourite talks (but seek permission first) Replacements For Or use Skype for interviews, make recording & then Publish as Podcast, with CC licence to maximise use
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Why The Reluctance? Tradition We've always used ; everyone's happy with it Myths IM means continual sound alerts; people knowing when you arrive & leave; constant interruptions;... Inertia I'd like to, but I can't find the time Trust The Internet's a evil place Immaturity of technologies Good in theory, but I'll wait for technology to improve Rights issues We're worried about copyright issues Age, gender, … It's toys for boys Barriers
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Strategies For Change Acceptance of truth in some cases: Yes, Blogs are used by the vain IM can be disruptive You may receive spam, spim, Skim(?) Wikis may be vandalised Blog comments may get full of Viagra spam But recognition that it's not always true: Many Blogs have valuable information You can normally configure applications (switch off alerts; hide identity & presence; …) You can manage potential hacks: require authentication; disable features; use in a trusted environment such as on Intranet; … Deployment Strategies
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Strategies For Change (2) Use with small scale experiment Closed Blog for recording effort Photo services for family pictures Exploiting your phone, camera, PDA, … Blog & RSS related to a conference event Observe wider use: Popularity of Flickr during London bombings Popularity of SMS Listening to and engaging with the gurus: ILI conference ILI speakers' Blogs and Podcasts … Deployment Strategies
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Strategies For Change (3) Legal Issues Copyright is an issue Need to be aware of business models (“I’ll not go to ILI next year, Joe will record it for me”) but: You can be pragmatic Remember how we made hyperlinks and installed caches – both possible copyright infringements Does accessibility and widening participation trump copyright? Suggestions: Have contingency plans in case of problems (Internet Archive did this) Engage user community in discussions Deployment Strategies
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Case Study (1) Institutional Web Management Workshop 2005: Held at University of Manchester on 6-8 July WiFi network available so we: Encouraged use of real time chat (using IRC) Hosted workshop Blogger Use of Wiki for note-taking during discussion groups and parallel sessions (no flip charts to be digitised) Published Podcasts prior to event Recorded some talks (with permission) Also asked delegates to provide mobile phones nos. for use in emergencies (and 7/7 happened) Evaluation on use of technologies mostly very positive (small no. thought it could be distracting) Deployment Strategies No commitment to Podcasting talks made. We feel delegates know such resources are only part of the learning process
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Case Study (2) Workshop on 24 Oct in Truro, Cornwall: Will present remotely using Skype and Video4M Will have a SMIL presentation as a backup See Benefits: save time and travel costs; environmentally friendly, multimedia presentation can be viewed by others; …
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Case Study (3) ILI 2005 (unofficial) Wiki available: Links to ILI site Information about previous events Social information (hotel, tourisms, …) Why not: Add trip report Share your thoughts … Deployment Strategies
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Discussion Fora – A Half Way House Web-based bulletin boards may provide a useful half-way house: interface for reading and posting Web interface for reading and posting Alerts of new postings (RSS, , IM,....)
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Blogging For Librarians "That's a bit risky, isn't it?" "You don't provide Blogging? Weird!" See "Pen A Blog Buster" article in IWR, Sept httpbloglibumneduwall0552Rhet3266/ Note: Day-long tracks on Blogs & Wikis at ILI 2005 and Online Information the hour has arrived!
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Conclusions To conclude: has been useful There are alternatives which can provide richer functionality, better usability, … There are barriers to the deployment of new technologies, both real and imaginary There is a need to develop deployment strategies for new technologies which can enhance your organisation or your working environment Once you've started to make use of the technologies, you'll face challenges in interoperability, finding the stuff, etc. But answers to these issues are the subject of another talk! Once you've started to make use of the technologies, you'll face challenges in interoperability, finding the stuff, etc. But answers to these issues are the subject of another talk! … and can still be useful – it doesn’t really have to die
A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Questions Any questions?