Edexcel Qualifications in Digital Applications for IT Users Launch Event
2 Suite of qualifications (DiDA, CiDA, AiDA) GNVQ successor Levels 1 and 2 Builds on KS3 ICT strategy Rewards purposeful application Currently in pilot phase What is DiDA?
Genetically modified Pick ‘n’ mix Innovative assessment methods E-portfolio On-screen summative project brief (SPB) What makes DiDA special?
‘Screenagers’ Anyone who regards ICT as a means to an end Who is it aimed at? Not necessarily for aspiring ‘techies’
manage projects effectively gather appropriate information handle information efficiently use digital applications creatively produce outcomes that are fit for purpose give, receive and act upon feedback DiDA students will learn to
D101/201: Using ICT D102/202: Multimedia D103/203: Graphics D104/204: ICT in Enterprise DiDA units
7 Time allocation Each unit = 1 GCSE = 90 GLH OPTION 1: Award hours per week over 2 years OPTION 2: Certificate - 3 hours per week over 2 years OPTION 3: Diploma - 5/6 hours per week over 2 years
DiDAGNVQ D201most of Units 1 & 5 D202all of Unit 7 D203all of Unit 6 D204aspects of Units 2, 5 & 9 GNVQ mapping for Level 2
Certificate Diploma The DiDA suite Award Using ICT GraphicsMultimedia ICT in Enterprise
DiDA software toolkit artwork and imaging databases & spreadsheets internet & intranets presentations project management & mind mapping web authoring word processing
one multimedia work station per student range of digital tools eg cameras, microphone, headsets internet access and individual storage area security, back-up and archiving Resources
12 What does a DiDA unit look like? Introduction What you need to learn - Content - Managing your project - ICT skills Assessing students’ work Delivery, links and resources
Summative Project Brief (SPB) set by Edexcel SPB is on-screen and interactive Evidence collected in e-portfolio Internally marked, externally moderated Pass, credit, merit, distinction How is DiDA assessed?
DiDA unit mark scheme Maximum mark of 42 6 activities used to assess achievement 5, 7 or 9 marks allocated to each activity Marks aggregated 18=Pass, 24=Credit, 30=Merit, 36=Dist
Stimulus … Ideas … www. Internet The summative project have a look
Collection of evidence Structured and navigable Designed to be viewed on-screen Vehicle for assessment and moderation Showcase of achievements What is an e-portfolio? have a look
17 DiDA Centre DiDA e-Portfolio System Edexcel
Level 1/Level 2 Embedded/discrete delivery Building up v dropping down Links to other subjects Using ICT - the place to start! Teaching and learning
19 The Macromedia connection Expert advice, support and training Endorsement SPB template Macromedia Associate quals
Within DiDA suite GCE in Applied ICT GCE in Media and Communication Production Work-based training Own business enterprise Almost anywhere! Where next?
21 Audit resources Schedule a start date Book a planning meeting Get online with Edexcel Check FAQs on a regular basis – DiDA website What next?