Service Management Status 106 th ACCU Meeting 02 December 2014
Agenda Service Report (Performance, Availability, Customer Satisfaction, Complaints, Service Review Meetings) More info on impact budget cut for 2015 Report on ‘projects’ Miscellaneous
Service Report - Volumes have risen ~12% this year
Service Desk Satisfaction Survey “Empty” corresponds to “GUEST” The survey was launched on the 1 st of October This will be a continuous process Scope: tickets resolved by the Service Desk 679 surveys send, 293 surveys completed, of which 189 surveys completed by Users Results: 4 being the best rating.
Service Review Meetings Between key customers and service providers Following service management good practice (ISO20k) Standard Format Short (<1.5 hours) Once or twice a year
Report on 1 st Hotel Service Review
Report on 1 st Hotel Service Review Format: appreciated by stakeholders Content highlights: It was announced that the 5 th floor building 38 is possibly not available till September 2015 35 rooms less during summer 2015! HOWEVER: After further clarification: the contractual delay will be the 15 th of June; GS-SE prefers to take a ‘prudent’ approach and add 2 months of ‘contingency’ for one floor The contract contains penalty clauses for the contractor which should help push the contractor to respect the deadlines. Multi year renovation plan impacts capacity. Mitigation: Works are staged and scheduled in order to maintain hotel capacity (and corresponding revenues) as high as possible (and work around summer peaks) The hotel service will actively look for alternative capacity to reduce the impact. List of Actions:
Report on ‘projects’ Access control, parking and road safety Impact of OC2 Stickers&Parking Radar data collection Route FEYNMAN reconfiguration
OC2; some highlights Art 21: “Other categories of vehicles, notably caravans, trailers, quadbikes, boats and aircraft, shall not be authorised.” In the event of non-compliance with the rules or if necessary for the proper functioning of the Organization, a vehicle may be moved without the prior agreement of the owner at his expense. § 21 of the Circular - Implementation measures relating to vehicle identification, road traffic and parking Ad hoc measures are put in place for ‘exceptional cases’ (we are flexible and reasonable).
Parking Parking issues complicate the daily lives of regular users of CERN. These issues are: Abandoned vehicles that occupy parking space on the site Uncoordinated long term parking, resulting in places in high demand being blocked for long periods Asocial behavior that can result in risks to others (parking at emergency exits, pedestrian crossings, handicapped parkings, or ‘dangerous places’). CERN will introduce measures to gradually tackle these issues, starting early 2015; this could involve Moving ‘long parked’ vehicles to dedicated long term parking zones Removal of wrecks from the site Moving vehicles to a ‘fourrière’ site at CERN (in case of “serious acts”) The focus is on prevention, not punishment Rules for parking: parking-regulations-cern-site parking-regulations-cern-site
‘Radar’ Speed measurement campaign 20 to 31 October 2014, Meyrin and Prevessin. “Cyclope” radar, loan from Belgian company SIRIEN (one of the market leaders) Results: 7770 measures Max speed km/h (where limit was 50), and km/h (where limit was 30). 22% are exceeding the limit. More speeding at Meyrin (but radar at Prevessin was very visible). 30 km/h Limits largely ignored. The results are shared with HSE and the mobility working group for follow up action
Radar details LocationAverage## Excess% ExcessMax Speed Overall results40, ,1%83,24 Meyrin41, ,3%83,24 Prevessin37, ,9%75,01 Route Einstein41, ,8%77.56 Route Bohr34, ,6%72,35 Route Democrite46, ,3%83,24 Route Adams38, ,1%75,01 Route Wu33, ,9%54,25 Route Rutherford (30km/h) 33, ,7%52,49 Route Marie Curie33, ,7%51,58 Route Weisskopf45, ,8%75,01 Route Schrodinger44, ,9%79,83 Route Feynman42, ,5%67,95 Tunnel (30km/h) 33, ,6%47,54
Accident prone areas Final change proposals accepted: 18/12/2014 final costing: Implementation 2015 ROUTE FEYNMAN
Report on ‘projects’ Library upgrade Currently the project is on hold since it has not been possible to agree on a plan to free the offices in 52-R needed for the project. If the space is free by Q2 2015; Implementation Q still feasible “Place des Particules”: The project is still waiting a new planning from the Geneva authorities. No works will start before March Globe renovation Will be done during summer 2015; Globe will be closed Visits service is well aware of microcosm and globe refurbishment project plans and does anything possible to mitigate the impact. Building 107 The worksite is closed. Works are being carried out to re-open the road by the beginning of 2015 to reduce the impact on traffic around the site (the worksite remains closed).
More info on impact budget cut 5% Cut on operational budget 2015 (and beyond) We’ll do all we can to minimize immediate impact on users Priority on LHC and Safety Known impact (apart from announced reductions in equipment renewal and preventive maintenance as long as compatible with legal framework) Shuttle Service Cleaning Service Water bottle distribution Service Library Service
Reduction of Services Details SHUTTLE SERVICE: Replace circuit 6 (Meyrin/Prevessin/Meyrin) (13 rotations per day) by 2 additional rotations for circuit 2 (Meyrin/Prevessin/Meyrin) – early in the morning and later in the afternoon; Reduction of # of rotations for circuit 1 (Meyrin) - no more service during lunchtime 2 instead of 3 drivers in the permanent pool (08h30-17h30) If extra resources needed this will be recharged to the requestor (if a driver and a CERN shuttle are available or outside service working hours) If no CERN shuttle available nor a driver: 2 options External transportation contract (Helvetie) Taxi credit vouchers: ask your departmental /group secretariat Telephone number Taxi Phone CLEANING SERVICE: Drastic reduction annual floor reconditioning Water Bottle Distribution Gradual replacement of the 220 EDEN fountains (with AQUADRINK?); new requests for EDEN blocked, soft transition scenario’s are being worked on.. we’ll communicate in due time. Library: Techniques de l’ingénieur (already implemented) Web of Science Springer Materials (the Landolt-Börnstein database) Meyrin Prevessin 2014 every 20 mins 2015 every 45 mins 2014 every year 2015 only infirmary, crèche, main building,..
Miscellaneous Crowd management at Resto 1 Thierry Lagrange will bring it up in the relevant committee
Many thanks for your attention!