U.S. Army Installation Management Agency Our Mission Our Mission - provide equitable, effective and efficient management of Army installations worldwide to support mission readiness and execution, enable the Well-being of Soldiers, civilians and family members, improve the Army’s aging infrastructure and preserve our environment. Leading Change for Installation Excellence Page 1 SEVERE WEATHER OPERATIONAL CURTAILMENT
Page 2 Severe Weather Operational Curtailment During periods of severe weather, it may be necessary to modify administrative and training operations to provide for the safety of Soldiers and civilian employees
Page 3 Severe Weather Operational Curtailment Key Points The current policy is that the Garrison Commander will try to determine tour of duty delays or operational curtailment (Code 1 or Code 2) by The post is not closed and will not close. However, operations may be curtailed. (Land line) telephone is the primary means of notification; FOD will use Green Phone and Rapid Reach in conjunction with I Corps & Fort Lewis Emergency Notification Roster Using the supervisory chain of command, organizations use internal notification rosters to pass the information to their personnel
Page 4 Severe Weather Operational Curtailment Key Points Do not call the Military Police (MPs) to ask about your work status. The MPs provide information on road conditions, and road grading and sanding during severe weather conditions; they do not provide the work status of Soldiers/civilian employees Organizations determine who is mission essential and Critical Alternate Sources For Information –Alert AM 1500 Radio message –Channel 21 alert banner –Local radio and TV releases –Fort Lewis Operation Status Hotline: (253)
Page 5 CODE ONE - Only Critical and Mission Essential personnel are required to report for and/or remain on duty CODE TWO - Only Critical personnel are required to report for and/or remain on duty. - Service organizations are closed (Short of code one and two there is also a “Delayed report for duty” option) Severe Weather Operational Curtailment Operational Curtailment Codes
Page 6 Severe Weather Operational Curtailment Definitions –Mission Essential Those key service facility employees or Soldiers (determined by the appropriate commander or supervisor) who must be present to ensure mission accomplishment. –Critical Medical personnel, police, fire fighters and other personnel designated by the commander or appropriate supervisor. These personnel are those needed to maintain the safety and welfare of the post.
Page 7 Severe Weather Operational Curtailment Road Condition Codes GREEN: Normal Level of Risk for Vehicular Operations. –Pavement Dry –Normal traffic patterns AMBER: Increased Risk of Vehicular Mishap –Pavement wet or covered with up to three (3) inches of unplowed snow and/or patches of ice –Snow up to 12 inches with no additional accumulation expected and primary roads plowed/treated –Degraded traffic patterns –Secondary road closures –Several accidents in various areas
Page 8 Severe Weather Operational Curtailment Road Condition Codes RED: High Risk of Vehicular Mishap due to Weather. –Accumulation between 3 to 12 inches of unplowed snow on roadways –Continuous additional snow accumulation over three inches regardless of plowing efforts –Limited mobility without four wheel drive or traction devices –Primary road closures –MP assets restricted to main cantonment area BLACK: Extreme Risk of Vehicular Mishap –Snow accumulation over 12 inches of unplowed snow –Continuous rapid accumulation of snow over 12 inches regardless of plowing efforts –Sheet ice or freezing rain –Limited mobility even with four wheel drive or traction devices –Primary road closures –Stranded motorists
Page 9 Methods of Notification (Recap) Use of landline (Rapid Reach, Green Phone) Use of supervisory chain of command Alternates –JBLM Operational Status Hotline (253) –AM 1500 –JBLM TV (Channel 21) –Local TV News channels and radio