Toledo, OHIO Double LODD 1/16/14 pics and links." Unfortunately-at some point, conditions changed. "There were rapid changes, rapid deterioration of conditions," Fire Chief Luis Santiago said”
front Porches (with roof) in rear mentioned in fire ground audio
View from A/B corner
View from A/D corner
A/D corner
Front looking towards B side
Stairs believed to be near the D/C corner
Side A by Side B
2NCEmQsiU More info: at-Huron-and-Magnolia-downtown-Toledo.html at-Huron-and-Magnolia-downtown-Toledo.html d/ d/ firefighters/ firefighters/ two-firefighter/ two-firefighter/ chief-cites-rapid-changes-inside-building-for-2-deaths.html chief-cites-rapid-changes-inside-building-for-2-deaths.html Fireground audio
Radio transcript 4/01/28/Fatal-Fire-at-528-Magnolia-St-audio- transcript.pdf 4/01/28/Fatal-Fire-at-528-Magnolia-St-audio- transcript.pdf
Rest In Peace…