Belmont Police Traffic Enforcement Unit
The basic goal of all police work is to protect the lives and property of the public! One Basic Goal
A few duties of the traffic unit Patrol city streets Set up DWI Check-Points Set up child restraint checks Set up road studies Set up radar watches
1) Radar Certified 2) Intoxylizer Certified 3) Be with the Department at least 2 years The Criteria for the Unit
Trooper FOXWORTHY would say Speed Follow too closely Fail to yield Travel left of center Drive while impaired “You might be in a crash if you…”
Traffic Crashes 15.2 % Decrease from % Decrease from TOTAL DECREASE OF 54.9% FROM 1999 TO
Belmont Police Radar Watch
RADAR Radio Detection And Ranging
Superman ?? The speed of light 186,000 miles per second
Driving While Impaired In Belmont!! There is 0 Tolerance
Statistics Traffic Unit Statistic for 2001 DWI: 155 Traffic Violations: 1165 Criminal Violations: 194 Traffic Unity Statistics for 2002 DWI: 320 Traffic Violations: 1337 Criminal Violations: 392
Drive Safe!